lol anyway, had cell yesterday. haha. before that when me and yan2 waited outside hangout for the rest, we played with the bubble tea's pearls LOL. spitting it out xDD lol then yea.table soccer was :O and :D hahaha. yea.cell is good.:DDD after that had dinner. only 4 people in cell stayed for dinner.haha. yea went home after that.
haha nothing much x.x yeaa what a short
Pris: yoo!!! i typed ahsgg on google thn ur blog came up
Pris: hahas
Pris: HI
Pris: HIHELLO INDIAN!:D haha really?.__. lol HELLO.HELLO.haha xD
wenmin: hello rachie ;D
wenmin: relink pleasehello wenmin:DD haha okay sure:DD
EvilCookieMonster <3: YOOOOOOOOOO omgosh lamos -.-
EvilCookieMonster <3: i finally finished shou zha!!
EvilCookieMonster <3: wheeeeeeeeee party
EvilCookieMonster <3: eh aft maths paper wanna go out? :D mayb eat ice cream.then go my house chiong crunches -.-YOOOOO:DD haha yup:D hahaha. grats. im still stuck at day 1. ohwell, 8 more days to go :D haha. okayy LOL next day confirm muscle ache like siaoooo xDD YAY FOR MUSCLE ACHES ._.
okay i'm done. bye peopleeeeeeeee.:D
what do i want to serve as?Labels: SHOUZHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
1:24 pm
OHYAA. i forgot to add to my previous post that i had patrol breakfast on thurs LOL xD super ROFLLOLHAHAHALMAOHAHAHAHROFLLL!!! lol. yea. haha. grats to the new patrol treasurer and gift i/cs xDD haha.
well, this is like the 1st time i'm posting up some pics hahaha.
meet the
LAMOS from 2J:D hahaha.

yes, i know i look super weird but..yea.haha. basically we took our towels (for P.E.) and tied them around our elbows, as if our arms are fractured.haha. this is being invented by our dear JUNTING (JUN STOP) lol THERE MIGHT BE POWERRANGERS, THERE MIGHT BE POWERPUFF GIRLS, BUT WE ARE THE NEWLY-IMPROVED LAMOS!:D hahaha.
yea haha.xD i will post up some more pictures in future.:D haha. anyway, ran ALOT during recess. down to D&T, rushed to canteen, back up to 5th floor, down to D&T again, back to canteen lol. and we had an extra history lesson today.turned out quite funny and interesting:D haha after that slacked around with yan2. going every single part of AHS we can go (maybe not) we ended up looking at the parade square on a ledge near the stairs which is located below the bridge.haha. we slacked + slept + crapped until it was 1.50pm and i had to go. so yea. she went home and i had to went for some meeting. yup. haha. after that went to cher house to drop my bag then chiong back school, gave the electricity bills then ran back then yea. OKAY I KNOW IM CRAPPING ALOT BUT I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO POST x.x HAHA. then went to TM with cher to buy some stuff. haha. the retarded us x.x yes plus yan2 haha. ANYWAY, the MAIN POINT is that we chiongedddddd SHOUZHA today. lol managed to do 3 pages which is quite okay since i fooled around quite alot.haha.went home with hf after that. yea before we went home, we practised tying braids again and AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN lol. yay. i finally got the hang of it:D hahhhha. walking down changcheng ROCKK wahaaha cause you get to see the AHS AH GONGS!:D they come to the parade square every evening to exercise. how cool is that ? :D haha.
GOSH O: I feel so weird today. not having guides, running here and there. gahhh i miss guides x.x lol really la. no wonder i thought that today is MONDAY ._. haha. goshhhhhh i can't get used to it. YES CHER, WE WILL DO CRUNCHING LIKE SIAO TO YOU-KNOW-WHAT.HAHAHAHA. lol. yea. hahaha. okayy. nothing much alr. ohhyes. oral prelim tomorrow. all the best to all sec4s(? or 3s? or 2s? idk x.x) yea:D haha cell tomorrow whoohoooo:DDD lol. enough of zi-highing. gonna sleep alr. too tired ._. i mean very tired x.x lol. i better go off now. ciaooo ( like what CD says everytime)xD
Labels: missing guides x.x, SHOUZHA IS O_O
9:15 pm
gosh i feel so _ today. lol for that blank, is not something cause i FORGOT how i felt today x.x GOSH. im getting old alr ._. haha. anyway, since yan2 had to go home early, i've stayed back with hf and cher. yea. did nothing much x.x eating + crapping with yan2 in canteen, studied for awhile outside 2e the table there, going to relac room rofl, going to army shop to buy some stuff, chionging to bedok, going home, etcetcetc. gosh. yes. i'm getting more and more crazy these days perhaps it's because of MYE x.x lol. yes. have to PULL UP MY SOCKS ( yan2 does this ring a bell? xD) yea. andand SHOUZHA! .__. chionging it tmr. guess that tomorrow will be a looongg day, with an extra history lesson after sch:D haha. gosh. i will feel VERY weird as tomorrow will be a day when we are dismiss early and not having guides and stay in school until 7pm+, or even 8pm+. gahhhh it'll be so strange x.x lol. anyway, the CHINA PICTURES ARE HERE. Click
HERE for the photos yo:D hahaha yes, im lazy to edit the titles xD
J' lene: hello hello you stalker! rachel tan wo ai ni. ;D.
J' lene: hello ni hao wow my tag is still here! :D. hmm hmm, you rockkkkk. ;D
J' lene: CELL THIS SAT WOAH WOAH WOAH <3 YOU.hahaha helloo jolene:DD haha love yaa too. yup it is still here:DD hahaha wheee cell!:DDD
haha yup. i'm done here yo. haha. okay bye people:D
my nose itch LOL HOW RANDOM :PPPLabels: lalala hahaha
9:09 pm
yes, i've thought of it and yea, though it's quite hard but i will get over with it and be the wheel-chair bound person that i always am xP haha. i will love orchid as much as kf and yea, haha bond with my patrol mates x)) not to forget that i will still keep in touch with kf :DDD wahaha..
yeayea.nothing much today.
MATH TEST.gosh.i seriously don't know how much will i get so just wait and wait till the results come out x.x and today's SEL is damn funny lol their skit ;D haha. anyway, met up with natty again.haha yup:D
we can change the world for Him!:D hahaha x)) okayy days without guides is :O lol had to study, study and STUDY. gosh history is really difficult to memorise x.x but it's interesting though:D haha YES, i'm gonna make ALL subjects as interesting as possible to be able to revise them better xD haha. thursday tomorrow. kf breakfast:DD haha. but it's gonna be a looooooooonggg dayy x.x with those boring last 3 periods? GOSH. lol must not slack and do other stuff during lessons alr
MYE IS COMING! :OOO yea must really study like crazy. regretted my last year's uberly BAD results. so, have to buck up now:D yea. ohyes. though i've gotten over it, i still miss kf kayy? lol. yes i'm loving orchid too:D LOL this is NOT 1 leg step 2 or more boats (transfer in chinese) hor! hahaaha. yay my hair is not as abnormal as before ( it has been sticking up the past few days x(( )yeaaa. lol. okayy nothing much to blog about alr ._.
YINGXUAN: hello nehneh! I'M ALSO MISSING YOU LOTS! :( haha. but jiayou in orchid okay! i'm sure you'll do great! :D LOVE YA DEARIE! :DHELLO KUKU! xD hahaha yes me too x(( haha you too, in kf :D hahaha love yaa too:DD haha.
EvilCookieMonster <3: haixx...cheerup xD DOVECHID!lets try n make a dovechid tee x.x fangying maam so funnnnyyyyyyyyyy =.=
EvilCookieMonster <3: lalallalalalala orchid sec1s:valerie..deborah , tsuhui
EvilCookieMonster <3: BOOOOOOOOOOOOO...rmb the THINGS we did to AHEM jus now =xlol thanks cher:D haha but i feel damn weird sia x.x lol. okay?x.x haha yea xD okay thanks ._. LOL! the putting the dog at HER leg there while she was zzzz-ing xDD ROFL and the ahemahem HAHAHAHAHA xDDD
lol yes, from my prev post, i WILL smile and laugh and NOT be sad like an emokia anymore:DD hahaha yes, i pledge to be a full-time retard and legless citizen of all hospitals! gosh, what am i talking? LOL. x.x anyway, bye people.
Labels: :D it's not because of us it's because of who is in us :DD
7:33 pm
DD: i don't know why but i still CAN'T STOP MISSING KF!!x.x
however, yes, cannot be emo alr!!:DD must smile.
yes the quote from cherlin's blog
'don't be sad because it is over, smile because it happened' something like that yupp.KFOREVER!:DDD yes, i'm now a ex-KF:D though now
whenever i look at the sunfisher tee i will feel damn weird and don't dare to wear it...cause yeaa not in sunfisher alr x.x lol anyway, cannot think about that alr:D a guide must be cheerful at all circumstances! i failed doing this part yesterdayy DD: GAHHHHHHHHH LOL. i'm laughing because i was emo? O_O gosh i'm madd...yeaa mixed feelings now x.x gahhhhhhh lol. i'm crazyyy. anyway, hope i can cope well in orchid x) yea and i don't know their sec1s' name! gosh. D: lol.
yea..cell at natty house today.:D had bbq after that..
SAIGANG ROCKKKK!:DDD haha starting the fire + maintaining the fire + putting the chicken into the stick x.x + serving food + cooking food is WHOOHOO:DD hahahaa. okayyy. then went playing with the swimming pool's water cautiously ( can't let the security guard to know) haha damn funny xD haha yeaa...okayy sorry guys for not helping up the area x.x okayyy ohyaa..yep.had a haircut again. lol. yea okay la. nothing else to say alr.
JoAn=): hi rachel!(: WE ARE EX-KF-IANS.haha.jiayous yeah no matter what alrites.CHEERS!~hello!:D haha YUP!:DD haha thanks!:D you too!:DD haha.yup:DD jiayouuu & cheerup too!:DDD
clone: hi clone u cheer up le? yay;)haha hello clone:DD haha yea. you also cheerup horr:D
我是Jocelyn♥: HELLOS MY PARTNER<3 hahas.hello partner!:DDD hahaha.
bala: yo!eh sry i abit slow changed patrol or what??thot u were so desperate to stay in kingfisher??YO BALA MUTHU MARRRRRRRRYYYY POKE HAHA:D haha yahh...YES IM DESPERATE! but have to transfer lorr x.x haha
chunting: YO! long time no tag ;D how ya doing? LOLYO MOOMOO!:DD hahaha yeaa lol........i cut my hair SHORT :x haha
-pam-: MUAHAHAHA you are my orchid orchid orchid orchid bao bei now! LOL! hahahaha SMILE HARD OKAY! and lets make orchid flower grow tall tall! HAHA <3haha hello tweetybird:DDDDD haha yupp..LOL.okayy:D LOL yahh then grow into a tree then produce more flowers xDD haha thanks:D
yup i'm done alr:D haha bye(:
11:25 pm
oh yeaa..did games today.:DD and yes,today's handover. guess im like the one who cried the longest DD: gahh YES I'VE TRANSFERRED PATROL T____T gahhh the whole of sunfisher have a massive change laa O_O like yan2 transfer to kf, joan to sparrow, me to orchid, etc.(i think) well, over it. yup.coz what's done can't be undone (told by chincherlin xP) yeahh :DDD so, haha yup. there'll still be sunfisher outings:D yan2! cheerup too kayy?x))) ohya THANKS TO THOSE WHO COMFORT ME:DD really very gan3 xie4 all of you :DDDDD haha loves!:D yup. YES YINGXUAN!:D IM STILL IN THE KUNEHKUNEH VERY HIGH SCHOOL:DDDDD sec1s: jiayou for studies and guides kay:DD yup haha...i got enough of emo-ness!:DDD
cause when we emo, our vision is not on God, but on ourselves:DD
yup:D haha.HELLO ORCHID:D haha though i dun even know 1 sec1 in there, i hope can get to know you all better as time passes(:
yep, and not to forget the sec4s:D they are a great batch and of course, i'm gonna miss them like maddd LOL. xD yea. jiayou for their o levels:DDDD
yeppp.haha.okayy.back to myself alr:DDD haha.
EvilCookieMonster <3: go my house -.- make sure u EAT sth b4 u go..ifnot...rawrrr
LOL yea okay:D
passer-by: Hi back here to listen to some wonderful music! UPDATE them! Gdluck for ur mye
hello:D haha. okay i'll try to update them if i have the time yep:D thanks!:DD you too!:D
EvilCookieMonster <3: hey honaye!dont be sad k? :) u will get used to it de
hello:D haha okayy. i think i will feel damn weird in dovechid :/// lol yea i will:DD
okayy done with tags so yep.bye:D
i agree with yan2:D crying TOO MUCH makes your eyes hurt ALOT x.x
Labels: handoverT______T
9:40 pm
yeah.just got back from changi airport with a few of the outreach people to study @ BK. hahaha yea. studied science and math. haha but some other funny stuffs happened too luh:D haha. yeaa.ohhyaa..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YINGXUAN!:Dthe person who always crap around and joking around hahaha. she's a great sister/senior/friend :DDDD loves!:Dhahaha yup:D okayyy mugging physics tmr:D hahaa.okay MYE coming D: yea gahh nothing much alr.
jiaying: HELLO:) handover :(jiaying: link btw :)HELLO:DDD yeaahhh handover!T___T okay sure:D
EvilCookieMonster <3: lol i jus read the happy bday to me post xD LOVE YA TOO DAR!
EvilCookieMonster <3: lets mug tgt for sci tmr!!! yayhaha yayy:D loveess:D hahaa okay sure!:DDDD woots:D time to kop yan2's notes xDD lol jkjk.
okay done haha. bye everyone:D
Labels: mugging time:D
9:28 pm
gosh.i hate waking up everyday and then realised that there is one day less to handover. gahhh x((( it's just too fast T_T
anyway, nothing much today as usual. just realised that there is SCIENCE common test this week. argh. had very little notes x.x got to get some notes from hf/cher/yan2/some other people. and ahhh i'm crazy nowadays. watching lame shows once i go online, 'retarding' around. LOL. xD gonna mugg for science on weds or tmr. gosh. limited time ._. had to chiong D&T too. actually i also don't know why i'm here now since i have really nothing much to post about. maybe i'm using this to wait for my lame shows to load :x lol.
WENDY:)): HI I CANT BELIEVE IT,! IM ACTUALLY OLDER THAN ALICIA!!! AHH!!!YO!:D LOL i also can't believe i'm older than her :OOOOOOOO
(♥) 我是Jocelyn.: yeahs . guess only our school have this malay pledge thingy luhs >(haha of course. since they want to be unique xDD hahaha..
lol okay back to lame shows that only children watch :X hahahaha.
Labels: no labels xP
8:41 pm there something that can send phone's pics to a camera? then i can post up cher's unglam sleeping picture which is like damn funny.LOL.
anyway.handover in 5 days T_T + D; gahhhhh T_T seriously i am not looking forward to friday afternoon x( even though it spells the end of 1 whole week of studying and the beginning of the weekend.
okay..trying not to think more about it as it really makes me go DDDD:
yesterday went around with cher anna yan2 hf. yup. haha. woots ELMO SHIRT :DDD LOL. after going crazy and cam-whoring around ( almost everywhere :O lol ) and also, running like mad people in the rain. (with 2 people under 1 umbrella in a O_O heavy rain). why were we mad people? with me trying not to get my bag wet instead of myself, cher and nana chionging so fast in front, me and yan2 walking super slowly behind, with yan2 dropping her slippers in a big puddle of water, how can you say we are NORMAL people? ROFL (x
anyway, went to church with yan2 after that. haha went to change to our elmo shirts and goshhh we look like the elmo twins :OO lol. then since we reached there early, and the rest went to eat, me and yan2 went mad once again in 0206. lol. okay... haha after cell rushed home and yea. nothing else alr.
ohhyaaaa TODAY'S THE 13TH OF APRIL...which means....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVILCOOKIEMONSTER/CHERCHER :DDDDhaha. the retarded and tall one who always did some crazy stuffs with me and sometimes yan2 and hweefen xD wahahaha hope you get the presents you wanted which i think either is a house of your own or a limosine...JUST KIDDING x) haha.anyway, yup. love ya dar:Dokayy.yup..haha i'm really in a dilema of what i should buy for her:OOO suggestions anyone? x.x lol.
(♥) 我是Jocelyn.: HELLOS RACHEL{: ohs , and you actually posted that malay pledge ? *laughshello jocelyn!:DD haha yupyupp xDD since it's so unique x.x
EvilCookieMonster <3: x.x lol?? ,y com is fixed :D but the other com is....dead *sniffles*
EvilCookieMonster <3: eh...5 more days wtfreak can!! ahhhhhhhhhhh :'(
EvilCookieMonster <3: sry but im gonna post tt =xLOL grats:D ._. lol but at least 1 is fixed:D haha YALA T____________T goshh. i saw it and it's very O_O and ohmygoshhhh .______________________.
done with replies and nothing else to blog about and i have to rush off alr. so bye people:D
1:03 pm
Kami, warganegara Singapura,
sebagai rakyat yang bersatu padu,
tidak kira apa bangsa, bahasa, atau ugama,
berikrar untuk membina suatu masyarakat yang demokratik,
berdasarkan kepada keadilan dan persamaan untuk mencapai kebahagiaan,
kemakmuran dan kemajuan bagi negara Kami.YES, that's what the whole school have to recite for pledge after three weeks. lol. yeah. this is PLEDGE IN MALAY. i wonder why they want us to do this for x.x lol.
just met up with natty:D everything she said really make me go O_O. those days are really ohmygoshly WOW. x) haha. yeshhh.
cherfishy :D: haix....its nott tt i dunwan..jus tt my parents ...they r breathing down my neck ='( sobs i shud go talk to them again..zzz got various benefits :D
cherfishy :D: ya handover...gosh im srsly gonna cry ='( like when i hear the new cl....or omg -.- some1 transfer out of DOVE...tts....sooooo cryin worthy =/
cherfishy :D: lol hi5! -.- LOW 5! llalalaa
cherfishy :D: but my checkpoints are bloody annonying la..we gotta measure some stupid wall which we took very long to find..then count the no. of flowerpots.then take pacin x.x which we spent 5 min on..sheesh
cherfishy :D: why u got so mani videos de x.x lol...nbm honaye!i'll cry with u...1.2.3. want me talk to them? xD but i will be amazed and not listening to their WOW-ish english. haha. dont think can understand them:x yesh! i will too T______T yeayea hi5!low5,etc! mine too? haha xD i like the videos damn LOLROFL HAHAHAHAA xD
WENDY:)): u forget to cancel off the slingbag under wishlist
WENDY:)): just a reminder heeheehahaha. actually it's not really a slingbag =x it's a bag for me to put my stuff when returning to Singapore LOL okay sure xDDD haha i will cross them soon x.x
okayyy bye bye all:D
8:33 pm
haha. one more video to add to my collection xP
it's cantonese.but you can try reading the's one of the funniest mcdull video i've ever seen for me xD
haha had guides today.haha.yea.just noticed that handover is next fridayT_T i don't know how i will react, i don't know what i will feel that day. wow. time really flies.....
EvilCookieMonster <3: BOO!
EvilCookieMonster <3: x.x i wanna drop out of ndp -.- gahhhh
EvilCookieMonster <3: the pressure n stressss!!!!
EvilCookieMonster <3: cant believe we ACTUALLY chionged history gosh ._.
cherfishy :D: ya the sunrise is so bloody nice rite xD chio can!x.x u shud eat a medicine to make u 1.60+ =x oops!lol
cherfishy :D: hahayoyo dar:DD lol cheerup!:D it's really a rare opportunity. so should grab it!:DD alot of other people also want to get in de. haha. think on the positive side:DD forget the stress.just do it for yourself. YOU CAN DO IT!:D you got my support yo:D haha ya so damn nice!:D LOL YA IM DESPERATE FOR IT:x jkjk.haha yes. we did chiong for that x.x lol.
okay.done.should go off alr:D
Labels: mcdull xD LOL
8:16 pm
it feels so great to be back home:D
with all our
family and getting connected with Him:DD
i love cell:DDD
andand of course,
yay for rachel clone's salvation
another soul saved;DDD
i still want even MORE souls to be saved!:DDDLabels: :DDDDDD
8:16 pm
nothing much these few days x.x oohhyaa xj! get well soon!:D
anyway,the past few days was quite ._. coz on weds, me cher and yan2 stayed in her house to chiongg for history test. REALLY CHIONGED. well. except for me. lent cher my notes so focused on chiong in 2 questions LOL. went home at night x.x haha. then history test was so-so. didn't expect the singapore town plan to come out x(( lol. then did history skit. lol i lovee pearlyn's indian accent! xD wahaha..then after that chiongeddd to cl's house to chiong artt. haha. then fri...had guides. did orienteering:D lol.had to drag my patrol from 1 checkpoint to the other wahahhah sorry evangeline and lifang! xin ku ni le xD hahaha.pulled you all x.x lol. ohgosh yx is so damn scaryyy x.x lol jkjk. woa. shihui i hope your injury recovers soooon... X.X okay cell later. now yan2 hf and cher and annabella and vivien and yingyan going through the thingy. goodluck to them:DDDD wahaha hope i can see them on tv xD lol.
EvilCookieMonster <3: lalallalala
EvilCookieMonster <3: lulalalulalalulalulalay
EvilCookieMonster <3: xD
EvilCookieMonster <3: bye dar
EvilCookieMonster <3: x.x diaodiao?lol 'lallalalala'! that fateful day once again :x yayy..lulalulalulalulalulalayyy:DD bye? x_x
hf: guys disappeared like halfway through celebrating diao....i was super paranoid trying tp make sure whole area was clean. ead tmr they scold how?!hf: oh and hi
hf: lol lol not really you're quite ok le. ya i agree that most sec 2s are tall. hi. but they didnt scold:D gahh yalorr.. sooooo talll..giants x.x
lol is there any way for me to grow 10cm in a year? lol. okay luh. byebye:DD
Labels: :D
9:21 am
i love God, don't you?(:
got saved on 14JULY2007,DEALORNODEAL(:
baptised on 20SEPTEMBER2008:D
Generations 5.5!:D:D:D