hello...okayy..on saturday, went for zone service...left halfway off because my mother told me to go home early?? anyway, on monday, went to meet up with hweefen to eat at KFC before going off to meet xinyi and the rest.. when we all met up, we were supposed to spent the time playing in escape theme park. Unfortunately, IT IS CLOSED..SINCE IT IS NOT A SCHOOL/PUBLIC HOLIDAY..IT IS CLOSED ON WEEKDAYS..ohman..first time saw something that is closed on weekdays..anyway, then we actually wanted to go to wild wild wet..but since we had no swimsuits and some of us were not wearing the appopriate shorts to be able to play the fun stuff, we dropped the idea after sometime and went to arcade..played basketball and the sweets machine thing..haha..then went to macdonalds..played daidi, uno and stress..haha.spent ALOT of time on them..then to class chalet @ aranda.. okay..overall quite okay..nice foods and played CHARADES! xD hahaha...okay..then nothing much...went off..yup..tuesday went to meet yan2 and went to school after that..handed in yan2's form..dental closed..then went to find coach daniel..suprisingly, he was in..LOL..ate his sweets and listened to songs in his com..hahah...okay..then went off to meet hweefen..then waited quite long for 14..urgh...late again..arghhh..felt so damn bad laa...everytime late..haixx..sorryyy everyyone..then went to 0206 for outreach..okay..the game is quite nice haha..then yup..all felt His presence x))) Loving Him more and more! :DDD then hf went off again to www but as she said, www is closed during tuesdays..yup..for some reasons i can't go yup..went to buy bubble tea...could not find sweet talk..then back into hangout..played xbox.haha..at 1st huikian and odelia joined in..huikian so funnyyy hahaha..okay...then played other games with yan2..haha..the fighting game damn hard...esp the big guy LOL..( yan2 you know what i mean xD we will win him someday :DDD) then played table soccer..haha...xinghua!!! xDD haha..you rawk :DDD then went off to find natty and yiern ma'am..hahah..then went bedok by 14..argh..giddy once again..then went to find my mom yea..bought stuff then went home..ohman..my flu has worsen...anyway, today xinyi and hweefen they all went www again..argh...i wanna go! but can't haha..for a specific reason..okayy..
cherfishy :D: hey dar..sry didnt tag or update..i ve been to busy playin maple..but since my acc jus got hacked..so i sian diao le lol...anw go see my blog for loads of pics yeah..love yayo dar! long time no see! :DD when are u free? i wanna play flour! xDD haha nvm nvm :DD woah...hackers ._. okay okay saw them eek u posted the obscene pic!! O_O
okay i am done..see yah..:DD
Father Lord, I love You too ((:Labels: loving Him more more and MORE :DD
12:13 pm
LOL..okay..anyway..the early part of today was quite bad for me...being unable to sleep for the whole night because of the stomachache...urghhhh....after that vomited twice..haix...felt quite bad so didn't go for morning exercise...stayed in sick bay for an hour or so...then recovered abit...could not even eat..dots...okay..during guides, I almost wanted to vomit again when doing drills..but since the word 'endure' inpires me so much...especially during NDP rehearsal..when i was going to faint or something, i saw that word and endured through...this word rockk totally :DDD haha..okay..then endured through the whole thing including the running thing despite having numerous stomachaches and headaches...whew..anyway, changing parade..then station games! haha...
OUR NEW COMBINED PATROL : FISHCAKE!!! (kingfisher+orchid)1st station in 2H..a game that is like pictionary..lol...quite funn...then got splashed with water...then fangying ma'am taught us a new version of 'if you're happy and u know it clap your hands'..haha..the awake+alert+alive+enthusiastic song!! xDD haha...got addicted to it alr...hahaha..then 2nd station is D&T area...jianing! ;DD haha...pass the water bomb...yeah...haha...okay..got splashed with WATERCOOLER'S COLD WATER this time..haha..quite refreshing...haha..ohya..currently : 4 or 5 water bombs? lol okay..then went outside grotto...haha this game's kind of fun..haha..we need to throw the stones up and catch the person who is beside you's stone..haha..omgosh..then water bomb's bombing down scared me alot of times..lol..another scary thing is the water bomb with a smalll hole..LOL so ticklish hahaha..okay..then yeah got very wet alr..haha..then last station is huikian and shanna ma'am..omgosh..lol...the bowling thing..lol got hit ALOT of times by huikian..ahh...so pain...some even got into my ears and nose...lol...okay..got extra bombs to bomb other patrols in 3 mins..so we went to the nearest station--- sunbee?? lol...then cleared up and fall in in D&T area..got splashed again..lol...water fight?? lol didn't kena by the others cause' i stood at the place where those people who cannot get wet were...LOL yayyy..hahaha..okay...tomorrow's zone service..ohman they all cannot go haix...anyway, still trying to get $$ for audacious..urghhhh...lol.. okay..
WENDY:): hi Rachel, c u on mon 4 bbq!yo wendyyy!! ;DD haha seee yaa~~ :DDD
yanyan: i so gonna kill u!!!!!11LOL i changed it alr..not so...ob alr xDD
okay so damn tired now...trying to take a nap..LOL okay...bye..
it's the last day of school...and i can't believe time passed so fast.. I'm really going to miss 1K'07 ALOT....despite some misunderstandings or whatever stuff, we bond whenever problems came... i really wanted to thank 1K'07 for being there for me whenever i needed them..danica! for being such a great friend in the beginning of the year ;Dcharlene! for being so cute and a great sister guide+ classmate :DDchermaine! for being a pro in the subjects ><>
jacq! for being a very good friend..you rock yo! :DD hahaha..
clarissa! for being one of the best captain ball player i've ever seen! ;DDD
irene! for being sososososooooooo kind and helpful!! :DD
jacinth chua! for the fries u gave me hahahaha...saved my life! ;DD hahaha and ohman YOUR DRAWINGS ROCK LAA!! xDD
jacinth grace! though we didn't talk much, i think you are a great person x) haha..elmo rock! xD
joyce! for helping me take care of my stuff when we went for PE..x)) thankkkkksss!! :DDD
huiwen! haha for buying the cookies :DDD and of course being a great person x))
mandy! for being such a great friend who gave me your drink! wheeee and of course, racing to the art room/com lab or something..it's so super uberly fun!!!:DDD
xinyi! for being so funny and of course, laughing at my house, hitting the floor LOL thanks for cheering me up aye! xDDD hahaha..
xiujian! for being a very good person! and of course kind! thanks for lending the tape during art lesson yo! a very good sister guide and classmate xDD
wendy! for being such a great friend...had a great time playing the staring game and using the communation device aka the chinese electronic dictionary! hahaha...:DDDD ohya and YOU ROCK IN CAPTAIN'S BALL xDD
huizhen! for being a great friend! haha everytime laughed our heads of because of ahemahemahem..LOL xDD
yingyan! for being a great friend and sister guide..thanks for everything :DDD rmb last time evian and kingbee? x)) haha...xD
melanie! for being my first ever friend in 1K'07...we were like the only 2 girls standing up during the 1st day of school! xDD haha...
hweefen! for being so blur..and a great friend and sister guide...ohman...grow shorter will you? ><
eunice! for being a very very good friend! hahaha..ohman...i loved the day in mac with u all x)))
shijia! for being a really greaat friend and sat almost everytime beside me during homec! haha you rock ahmah!!:DDD you are missed! x))
weiting! for being a great friend...thanks for always cheering me up!! :DDDD
clarice! for being so kind...:DDD andand thanks for always chatting with me during flag raising when u sat behind me xDDD
valerie! for being so good and of course, laughing together hahhaha xDD
tessa! for being a great member of AMERICA hahaha.... always the smart and hardworking one x)))
shelton! for being one of the jokers hahahaa...x))
fabian! for being a great friend and ahem*'s ____ haha..jkjk...
hailong! for being a good member of C.S..always giving out great ideas..LOL..xDD
kangyu! for being a great friend and being so lame and retarded LOL and of course, yr jokes really cheered our class up xDD
kahchon! for being a great member of america LOL...always able to go through during group spelling even though he wrote wrong...he still got correct haha xDDand yr singing in class LOL..
wenjun! for being a slacker? no la..for being a great questioner of C.S! you thought of many questions that we never thought of! xDD
martin! for being the cute person in 1K haha...splashing dj water from his own cup! hahahaha xDD
yunwei! for being a really great person x)) and of course, being one of the jokers in class hahaha..xDD
weehong! for being a great person and being one of the jokers in class too..and and thanks for your LAUGHTER hahaha...it really amuses me..hahah xDD
bangxiang! for being a really good guy! and thanks for being kind and helpful too x))
dave! for being a great friend x) thanks for helping us in some of the english questions that we don't know :DD
D.J! for being so funny and thanks for bringing laughter with those other guys in our class to everyone xDDD
and of course, all the teachers that taught us! esp MDM CHENG JO YUN xDDDD
ohman, i'm so gonna miss this class....
Labels: time flies so fast.., water games rockkkkkkkk
8:23 pm
lol didn't blog for the past few days..but SOMETHING that is so amusing that tempted me to blog again! LOL shall not say it first..i shall start with monday...lol the talk..omgosh laaa...cd announced me and yan2's name so loud in the tower hall and everyone's like looking and laughing at us..lol so embarrassing? =X okay then tuesday...i forgot is what...ohya..the programme organised by the student council..ahh..okay bah..alot mass cheated..wow..okay..lol wednesday is ENTERPRISE DAY! hahaha...so funnnn...set up our booth then me, xinyi, huizhen, melanie, yw, ky, etcetcetc. went around advertising and selling our stuff haha...alot of nice foods...like spaghetti by 1A which I could not buy since the sauce had run out T_T, taco prata by 3H...darn nice xDD, okay..our booth? LOL didnt get to eat the dou hua..lol..it is the 1st thing that got sold out..alot of teachers liked it..lol..okay..then baked rice by 3A, still got errr 1J cha soba..didnt get to buy but it seemed very nice..haha..i want 1D's sushi, dunno-what-class's ice kachang xD LOL too much nice foods alr...also didn't get to go into 2L's haunted house..haha too many people queueing up..okay..cd bought alot of food can? lol he spent over $10..okay..not much...err..today is learning journey...to science center...took quite long to reach...okay..played ALOT of stuff...hahaha....mirror maze is so scary...although it's a piece of cake to get out, but when you get in, you can see nothing but those mirror images..lol..then some other stuff..lol..the worst part is the game at the water fountain and the buying of food..the queue is more than 5m laa..lol okay maybe I'm being too exaggerating..hahahaha..okay.. it's very long...then kop from people..thanks mandy for your coke, jacinth chua for your fries, huizhen for your drink and fries, wendy for your err ????, melanie for the 1 bite of the double cheeseburger..ohman..lol owe them big time haha...okay...anyway..the water fountain game was all started when me and huizhen wanted to wash our hands and got quite wet..then when our hands were still dirty, we went there again to wash and got even wetter..then we started calling one another to go in the middle of the fountain..lol then suudenly got pushed by ky into the middle and that's when i got VERY wet..one of the funny parts is when dj was finding a person for him to splash the cup of water at, martin quickly pushed the cup towards dj and caused dj to pour the water on himself..LOL..then started running around....hahahaha...then our bus got taken away by other class...and in the end, we were the LAST class of all schools (alot of schools went there too..but we were the ultimate LAST) lol....then bought mcflurry and watched the FASCINATING JOURNEY OF THE BALLS..haha i'm NOT being sick okay...then so darn cooolll!!!! xDD hahaaha then okay this is the FUNNIEST part..me, hk, hf, y2, sb, ye were outside the G.O..okay then when ye ma'am stood beside y2, y2 thought ye is me then she put her arm around ye! ROFLOLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haahhahahahahahahahahahaha...can't stop laughing alr!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL..okay..hahah. okay okay okay...ohya..
YAY!!! WE GOT OUR GUIDES COOKIES TODAY!!! FINALLY!!! ;DD c'mon rejoice rejoice! everyone's like waiting for it..hahaha until my ears are bursting! >< lol okay...anyway after that played asshole daidi (aiyah..how to write in eng?!?!?! lol) with hk, hf and yan2 behind Relac room..haha..then if any teachers went past us, we hid the cards under the guides cookies box..hahahaha..okay finally got to be the king..haha..okay..then started laughing for no reason.okay for some reasons..lol....then played small water bombs?! lol..then went home..accompanied hk to bedok int...okay..lol tmr guides!! ;DDDDDD yayayayyayyyyyy~~ lol okay..ohya...watched the MOUNT KINABALU & CHIANG RAI CIP clips..oohooohoohooh i so wanna go!!! :DDD
YINGXUAN: hahaha! wonderful lubricants eh! x) LOL! omt la, it tasted so so soo weird :/ HAHAHA! & c'mon admit it, we're super uberly SPASTIC! >< LOL!
YINGXUAN: um no. i mean the person who suck it told me it tasted weird. HAHAHAHA! x))LOL yah...WONDERFUL...eeek...i dun wanna know how it tastes like...LOL yah yah...how close are you with that person? xDD haha yuppp! VERY spastic hahah :DDDD
irene: hi. pls go to my blog n take my fwen test... ty(:HELLO IRENE! :D okayy!! haha..but not today..got some kind of error thing that dun allow me to submit the answers T_T
WENDY:): hi rachel...i noe im being lame...but nth 2 do at home...just kept on tagging ppl's blog..lolHi Wendaye! :DD hahaha no la...i think it's normal hahahah..oo..nvm nvm keep tag in my blog hahaha..spam also nvm xDD haha...
Shernise: yoyoyo!!dun say you forget me!!LOLyo shernise!! :DD hahaha of course i did not forget you xDDDD
HAHA: hi.tmr is last day of sch lehhh.even if we go diff. classes,try to still spend time together hor..PLSPLSPLS..thankyou!!hahaha.. ;Dyo HAHA!!!!!!!:DD hahaha...yah..saddddd...yah hahaha..okay....LOL npnp? hahahahahaaa...xDD
okay lols..i go already...bye..
Father Lord, I thank You for loving us...I am willing to sacrifice ANYTHING just for You(:Labels: guides cookieeeeessss :DD
8:53 pm
yesterday was quite fun since there was finally a FUN workshop...10 stations filled with bonding games xD okay..haha.... not much xD i shall put the focus on today...wheee..had a REAL FUN with my patrol and sparrow during the guides act..LOL..at first, we tried tying the snake lash...which was quite disgusting...since ahem** (xD) bite and put the twine in her mouth..lol....she even forgot to take another twine out from her mouth when we fall in...omgosh..lol... okay our snake lash was applied with alot of 'lubricants' already...haha..then after that is the washing up area.. LOL this time, our hole for the basin was TOO big...lol as if we are putting a baby bathtub on it haha...and then is the drying up area? lol...okay..quite okay..lols..only the diagonal poles' twine got 1 string of twine being looped..lol...and to our suprise, they never notice hahaha...now is the square lash..okay did it quite okayly? lol..but when they call us to untie and had not said finish their words, we all squat down and start untying...after realising that the others were still standing, we quick got back to our feet but they start squatting again LOL... then we all were like laughing out loud laaa..lols... okay...no more i think..haha..after that went to TM with cher and yan2..haha...ate at mac haha...then went to open plaza..it was like OMGOSH..lol..we went to the playground there..and fooled around abit...since there were people there..but when they left, we got even more crazy and started climbing around and playing the twirling thing...yan2 took a video of me and cher..zzz being turned around in increasing speed..at first we sang campfire songs then it got faster and faster and FASTERRRR!!! we tried stopping it but to no avail..finally it stopped and we got down...the moment i got down, i fell and lay flat on the ground zzz lol...okay...there's still more to come which i did not want to say lol...okay...then still got toys'r'us haha browsed around and played (obviously...lol) around..lol okay...then accompanied cher back to school...and continued to help cd with those stuff..okay... he went high...AGAIN....lol okayy...then rushed to simei for batik painting course..it ROCKED totally...the teachers and student-something too...they all so kind and caring..mdm fazida!!!! she is so damn nice!! haha nicer than mdm z of course..100 times better..she so sweet! xD haha...okay...my masterpiece xD :

haha..may not be nice..but still it's my 1st batik painting xD haha....scanner problem so the colour toning cannot be seen...yah..the white parts were not coloured because of wax..yup...at first outline the picture with wax yah..okay..haha...went home..quite early ._. okay..haha...
yuanzhan: heyhey!didnt noe tt u were feeling down.haha anw cheer up(: be of good cheer :D dun feel down but feel up :D
hahaha...hello yuanzhan!!! xD haha yup im totally cheered up haha..yup haha nice one...okay let's feell up! xD hahaha...thanks anyway ;DD
yanyan: *cough* who r u calling"yam yam" ?
*cough* the biscuit lorrrrr.....x))
YINGXUAN: hellos girl! cheer up alrights!:D hahaha. anw, had real fun with u today! x33s!
heyyy ahem** haha..okay thanks! xD haha yup yup...had great laughs with u today too hahaha...:DD
okay hahaha i guess you all know who it that myterious person who is not mysterious already..lol anyway, okay gotta go already..bye...
Father Lord, I pray for revival in AHS.. where people will fall down on to their knees and bow down and worship before You Lord...((:
Labels: main focus for the day : HAHAHAHAHAHA
7:39 pm
oh gosh..today had been the worst day of my life....currently...but anyway, recovered already..lols...
THANK YOUto cherlin,yan2, hweefen, haha, jiamin, yingyan, weiting, wendy, xinyi, minli, mandy neo, priscilla, etc. EVERYONE who comforted me during this day...((: love you guys! you rock! ;DDokay..anyway, all my results is like..omgosh..lol..do not want to say alr...=.= it's over anyway..and this is like the only day I ever feel so sad about my results O_O lol as they had said, we have 3 more years...((: yup..haha...buck up...it's never too late..xDD haha okay...decided to help coach daniel with his powerpoint...kind of tight--the presentation is on monday! o_O lol okay...back to my usual self...I think... lol..and omgosh again! cut my hair...and it's like..wierddd...but luckily my mom decided not to make me cut SHORT my hair..lol...imagine that..ohya..can't imagine right? =.= anyway, still thinking of an colour to suit the tee..hmm...okay..lol...still thinking...black too hot ( really hot..not that sexy hot lol) then green and blue all used before..yellow? may look wierd lol..okay...anyway, urgh..the post-exams activities not really THAT fun lor.lol..i rather have holidays lol...okay...hmm..trying to play maple again..hopefully i won't get bored of it again..lol.. but I can't even start the thing... error eh? lol...okay...not much stuff left....
chunTing: : D the blogskin:DDDDDDD hahaa credits to you xDD
J' lene: helllllo D:hello jolene!! :DD long time to see..miss you x)))
HAHA: Hi!!!!hope you feel better now.like one of my pastor thinks,i think that spiritual pursuit is sort of more impt than academic pursuit,cuz it lasts!DONT YOU D..HAHA: sry la my lovely msg is too long.so,im sure you agree!OFCOS!!!!right...?God is always there for u!wah wah wah..eng pro eh..lol...thanks HAHA x)) lol...reminds me of yr good friend xDD
yanyan: cheer up gal!!! dun be sad!!! it is onli the 1st year!! thr r still more ahead!! so work hard from now k? luv you!!haha thanks yam yam =X yup..haha..buck up..xD love yaa tooo...:DD
MinLi: haven't been here in ages haha. DON'T CRY OR I'LL .. donno =x aiyah just smile la.minliii!!! :DD so long never talk to you alr..haha..okay la...i won't :DDD smile alr hor :DDDDDDD xD
yingyan:): RACHEL!:Dthis kind of things not worth our tears one.cheer up kay?:))))*HUGSANDKISSES!*haha yingyan!!:DD haha yup im cheered up alr :DD thanks for the comforting words! :DD love yaa!! ;DD
haha..thanks to everyone for the encounraging words :DDD haha okay...sleepy already...i wanna sleeppp!! xD okay bye...
CHEER UP RACHELTANSHINYI!!!!! GO BACK TO YOUR ORIGINAL SELF!! :DDDLabels: 3 more years to buck up :DD, dun worry
10:33 pm
lols watched a total of 3 movies...lol..one for ACC about those history thingy..then art is the polar espress..lol..then homec (the best so far) les chiores (i think...it's a french word for the chior) it so damn nicee!! xD hcl suck ;((( haha..then before CCA i had to rush....had a dental appointment for more than 30 mins...lol...need to wait for 3 whole people whom the dentist talk to about braces for over 10mins..lol...rushed back to change after that at about 1.15pm...then change...haha..cher's skirt too short..she using her sis's..then she tried used mine...it's shorter...yan's...also too short...desperate measures---- take out the altered thing....lol...then ta-da!! her newly-designed skirt xD then hmm...creammmmm pufffss!!!!! xDDDD hahaa...sososoooo fun haha...especially yx and ml..lol...at first our mixture is damn strange..then after a while we pour the egg then become NORMAL..lol...then aww...we only get to eat 1 PUFF WITH FILLED CREAM...and with the rest ALL EMPTY!!... heard from cher that their batch get to fill ALL their cream puffs...ahhhh....lol...ohya...we cleaned up...only after when we need to rush off then we realised that our detergent container was not cleaned..then dunno who go hide it under the dust bin container..lols...hoping that our table won't kena the ma'ams (which it did)..gosshhh..lol...okay..then did a suprise PT ( not suprised for me...lol...guessed it when i talked to yingyan and charlene.. haha... xDD ) ...omgosh..my standard dropped...T_T must really buck up...then drills.. stich pain like siao..can't even stand properly...lol..then interaction.. shihui and minli keep moving here and there..lol..ml did not want to sit next to the ma'ams lol...then played the number game..so fun haha xD okay..me yan2 and hf played a small gme of pass the current within ourselves lol...okay..then dismissed early..since the others are cleaning up the homec room..yup..haha..it was fun...totally...lol..okay...cell was fun xDD played table soccer with huikian, xinghua, yan2, odelia, etc. ...haha...then after that played uno with huikian, odelia, yiern ma'am & yan2 haha...learnt a few tricks xDD haha...okay.. not much alr...
cher dar: sian diaoyah....i miss exams!!! lol jkjk...
yanyan: hi dar!!yo dar!!!!((:
cher dar: escape on monday set arhaha...tmr escape? sigh yan2 cant go T_T yay gonna make a new guide friend ;DD
Xin Yi =D: hey muz leave comment in friendster ar`=Dlols okay la..hahaa....flood okay?? xDDD
WENDY:): hi ah chiu^^ty 4 taking my fren test 8)yo wendayee...((: haha npnpnp:DD
okay...haha...gotta go?? lol bye(:
Labels: yummy cream puffs xDD
11:50 am
haha i'm here and i officially announce that
EOY IS OVER!! & IT'S REALLY OVER!!!!;DDDhahaha...okay..went for outreach outing...supposed to meet at hangout 1st..in the end it is closed and there's only me, hf and hk...haha went to drink bubble tea...wasted time..and went back to tanah merah mrt...saw the others hahaha...hk so funny xDD haha..went to marina bay....haha went to the wrong station at first...then okay haa...seoul garden!! ;DD lol chaodaaaaa... xDD haha then played the zhong ji mi ma...with GOOD punishments lols perfectly done by hk! xD haha...beef+ melted ice cream...some other noodle stuff+ice cream..lols....then took candid photots and run all over =X lol..okay...then ate until 5+ then window shopped...hahas...how i wish i can upload those pics but the cable is lost...haha...okay...exams? not that i do not care..but it's already over so there's no use crying over spilt milk..yupp...haha...
yuanzhan: hi rachel:Dhi yuanzhannnnnn ;DDD
cherfishy :D: omg i still haven finish sci yet...arr pia pia pia mugging bye honeyLOL...i'm too late to say those stuff alr...TOO LATE...=XX haha YAY It's OVERRRRRR!! ;DDD
J' lene: 2 more daysss!! all the best ye.haha 0 MORE DAYS =X haha yupp..it's OVER!! ;DDD
cher dar: hey rachel dar! jy k 3 more papers to goerrr..lol...pspsps....0 more papers to go :DDD
YINGXUAN: ya lo! working under stress is so not productive. i'll just bite anything in sight. LOL. okays, 4 more papers to go:) all the best, dearie! hahaha!YINGXUAN: oh shyt. i just realise... WHY AM I ONLINE, SLACKING?! LOL.haha yup...so cannot take exams..even MUST take exams then allow us to refer to textbooks ahahaha....0 more papers to go =X haha nonono now EOY is OVER alr so can slack alr lols xDDD
HAHA: ooh hahaha.to mrwee's disappointment,heartbreak,,wateva wateva,misstrina is already ENGAGED..hehehe.TOO BAD for him.AWWWWW...hahaa...heart break into a million pieces ;((( haha...yeah..lol pity him..;(((
cher dar: omg exams r over ilu dear :D <3haha yupyupyup...yayyy...haha yuppp!! :DDD
haha...should i go out tmr? xD haha...feel so bored...haix...starting to MISS exams........and yayyy....friday act on friday...;DD
Labels: it is finally over..x] but i kinda misses it xD
9:00 pm
hey..lol...have been mugging (abit=X) for these few days...lol...these few days had been fun yea..lol.. especially the day with yanyan, hweefen, yingxuan and priscilla (sec 2) haha... keep chatting and laughing at some stuff we spoke..lol.. however I was too emo nowadays o_O lol... anyway, i just found out who that 'spammers' are..lols..not really spammers la...they just tagged those for fun...LOL..see if I want to put their names bah...maybe not xD okay..OHMYGOSH...ONLY 3 MORE DAYS TO EOY AND I STILL........YOU-KNOW-WHAT.. omgosh..ahhhh....lol..must really start studying already..but the thing is...whenever i wanted to study (ehh.. no kidding hor..lols..), there'll always be something else important for me to do...URGH..lol by now you should know what is that you-know-what lol... okay it's super strange for us to be tested on Geography first instead of HCL..lols....ahh...gotta pia like siao.....tomorrow early in the morning wake up study GEOG 1st..then if got enough brain memory space then study HCL lols... okay....ahhh sorry to ANYONE whom i dao-ed ( alot of people can =X) cause I was either thinking about something or just emo-ing lols...sorryyy! andand..ohgosh...how i wish i will not go to sec3...so MUCH stuff to study...can go crazy one laa..lol...sec4 also the same...ahhh...lol.. ohya..these few days' recesses most of the time went to R.E.L.A.C room to see CD!! xD haha... now even MORE people go la...like got one day is me, hweefen, xinyi, wendy, huizhen and melanie...lols...and i MUST chiong into the room after the exams and borrow his board games and play!... he said he do not know how to play them but yet he still bought them... lol...okay...realised something...BOARD GAMES = BORED GAMES...lol okayy...being too randomm already..lols... ohya...children's day just ended..T_T lols..1 less holiday =X..okay enough crapping...
*cherlin~**: lol k la..i know its not u lor so obviouslols...thanks for trusting haha xDDD jiayou in mugging.. but i think you most probably had studied finish...1A people...haixxx...so hardworking...
YINGXUAN: hehes. its good to laugh ma! laughter is the best medicine!:D haha! EOYs nxt wk! chiong chiong chiong!:D <333s!YINGXUAN: & lala, im still in love with your tagboard's font sia. wahaha!lols...yupp xDD haha yahh...must pia alr..ah..lols...stress..lol i know laa u cant work under stress xDD haha thanks for loving my tagboard's font? ;DDD
Xin Yi =D: hihi jus dropping by to wish u gd luck 4 ur exams! =DDlols..yo...finally you've put yr REAL name xDDD haha.... xinyi doggyyy x))) lol jiayous and goodluck to u too!! ;DDD
okay...gotta pia pia pia, chiong chiong chiong, mug mug mug lols..okay bye!(:
Labels: MUG (to the power of n)
9:16 pm
i love God, don't you?(:
got saved on 14JULY2007,DEALORNODEAL(:
baptised on 20SEPTEMBER2008:D
Generations 5.5!:D:D:D