~~~tired? hmm feeling sick the whole day...perhaps i'm too tired, perhaps im just plain tired, perhaps....... ohya...and chatting away in the air-conditioned study room with yan2 and cherlin is fun(: relac room rocks too!=D ohwell...i think i just did one stupid thing and regret it ever since....apologises to those people...)): i really didnt meant it...sorry...truly i am...seek your forgiveness(: haix...i also do not know why i'm feeling tired these few days...roar....lol...okayy...
yingxuan(:: yayy yayy, run tgt, bondbond. HAHAS! i no need run leh! jealous jealous?:D <33woah haha yea...(: so lucky la u haha...but then when u take the 2.4 ah? since yr leg.........o_O?
yingxuan(:: seriously, i think your tagboard colour is wayyy cool!:D so i shall tagg more. hehes!:Dhehe xD but it's not i make one =X my friend did haha....YAY tag more! xD haha..
yingxuan(:: gosh. im hooked onto it!:Dwa...lol u very easy hooked onto things one...like the chatango also...LOL xD
cher: milo dinosaur!! roaryay!!! yup it rock for sure(: haha(:
and wow....the next post will be my 100th post for this blog(: haha yay...^^ lol maybe gonna do something special about it? actually supposed to be 99th post then celebrate one..lol...but never mind la..100 also can haha xD ohya...sat's is 2.4!! so fast....need to assemble at carpark D1 at 7.30am.....sec 2 boys first, together with the staff run thing....then sec2 girls...then sec1 boys...then sec1 girls...then sec3 boys..then sec3 girls....the time we will end is approximately 9.10am? but not really that exact la...haha...okay...JIAYOU EVERYONE!!(: GET GOLD FOR 2.4!!!=DD haha..okay....next wednesday NDP...feeling so so nervous now....what if we did wrongly? what if something goes wrong? what if......sigh* nothing can ease me from the nervous-ness....haixx...fine...i shall go already...bye..and goodnight!(:
Labels: tired?
11:11 pm
wow i'm back! haha xD okay...errr? today's lessons are super....???? lol...i can't make out all the words that came out from the teachers' mouth...lol..except for PE of course..lol...roar...got 2 B for napfa...sigh...lol...2.4km this saturday...how on earth can i be able to go there? o_O fly there? haha...and sec1 girls are running together..whoohoo! xD haha...okay...after school fooled around in the library with yan2 haha...then bible study! xD then...okay...went home?...lol fine..i shall do my homework...which is like...urgh...ALOT...haha..stacks and stacks and stacks..haix..haha..okay...
cher: now i dont say boo i say ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaha then i say...er....BOOOOO? haha xD
okay..byee..xD goodnight! xD
it's drawing nearer and nearer...i hope i can do it...(:
8:54 pm
whee went for cell today(: sorry
yiern ma'am for making us wait for SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LONG...): really la....so so sorry)): andand...others too): so sorry..ahh...gosh...my ipod hanged and hang until now.....ohmyshit...ahhhhhhhh )):
cher: BOO DaRLiNgAHHH!!! cherlin's booing me!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! xD
okay fine i go already..BYE
Labels: sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
10:01 pm
NDP drills today....not too bad...but still...alot room for improvement!(: haha...87 back again...but...reached home at 8pm? o_O haha..cell tomorrow YAY(: haha...okay....shall be 'guai' and do my homework...bye!(:
[to yingxuan] heyheyhey!(: do not feel sad liao kay?=D even though i do not know why u are feeling so...haha...will always be there for ya!(: haha come to us (me, minli and shihui) if u are sad..we'll comfort u!!!((: CHEER UP!!!=DD
9:44 pm
yingxuan(:: lalala~ the cat said 'meow' to me leh! =DD happaye happaye. lols!
o_O LOL oh...u've learnt how to communicate with cats?...haha...
coach daniel's back! haha...anyway, i'm not haha-ing now...
gosh, i'm feeling so....____first, i did not do really well in drills, second, i got 19/25 for my science test, which is below expectation...mr mohammad expected us to get 20 or above...third, my boots somehow by whatever stuff cracked..ALOT...and i tried to make them as shiny as possible just now for 3-4hours...yet, i still does not seem to be shiny...SIGH....now...well, having insomia..cannot sleep even though i'm quite tired...haix...feel like killing myself....a intention since when i am little...ohwell...since there's nothing else more to do except for sleeping after blogging..... i shall leave..bye...
am i really that ____? sigh*Labels: haix..
10:38 pm
haha...feeling so tired...well...had SC investiture...wow nice performances! but...lol...most of the thing is not seen..since we were sitting in the midst of sec3s...(sec3s = SO TALL PEOPLE) haha...okay...screamed (of course) with hweefen when our CCA is announced for the CCA leaders thing haha...but like...we were the only 2 people screaming then...so the rest of the people STARED at us O_O haha...okay..NDP drill practice...dismissed so so sooo early?! aww....only had 30minutes of drilling ): i want more=Dhaha..then...mrt with shihui=D okay...
cher: is tt someone me? xDunfortunately, no..haha...u are not scary what =DD
yan2: haha...haha? HAHA xD
okay...i shall go sleep...kay bye..goodnight! xD
Labels: more more more (:
10:32 pm
announcement: there'll be NO more long long post le! haha...due to...nothing? haha....maybe next time then post long posts ba...but not now le...haha kayy...see yahh(:
Labels: mixed emotions?
10:58 pm
wowowow lol okay...xD
went to school..sat bus yea...at first very little..then it got more and more and more...haha...then sit 14 to the 85 market there...saw...er...someone..haha...then...got down then chionged up the chang cheng..yea...cause' 7.20am already...O_O then...went up then collected my class tee(: it's SUPER big la! haha...never mind...next time also can wear=X hmm..then..went to parade square for flag raising...rushed to shihui there to return her stuff(: then...went back class...HCL..okay la.haha...xD then PE...wow...did standing broadjump, sit and reach and running...okay...yay i jumped 163cm! xD hl got even higher la...2XXcm la!!!!......haha..then sit and reach is 38...gosh...translate it into chinese and you'll know what it meant..haha...wow..the way the sec3s seniors did their sit ups is super fast la...pro...then...running...did not get exhausted..haha..xD going to have 2.4km next week O_O gosh...jiayou to all!(: then...okay...recess..bought the iced pink dolphin..haha..okay...went around for apron for shihui..yea.....jacq borrowed her...thanks!=DD then...back in class...okay...maths...hmm..then english...went to the computer lab for the wordpower competition...com lagged so went to other computers..haha....anyhow click got 15XX...yay..haha xD then went back class...geography..yayy..haha....had fun copying ^^ then...recess.....then chatted with minli and hweefen they all..okay..back...into class.....PW? okay..haha..decided to do IT for elderly...yea...so looking forward for the product making..haha..xD then...science..yea...okay...counted down at the last few minutes..
yay..dismissed..changed into class tee..i looked like a.....dunno what lol..then changed back...okay...saw the class investiture (i dunno how to pronounce=X so say it as class invegetable=XXX no offence!!! )...but do not think it IS the rehearsal...i think is the council handover thing...O_O wow..nice dance ^^ lol then..went to canteen with yan2 and hweefen...chatted as they eat..saw _____ & _____..lol...then of course like....aiyah dunno how to say...anyway...yea...fooled around with minli, hweefen and yan2 haha..then went to check out the relac room...coach daniel will be back at 24th july...yea..ohya HAPPY BIRTHDAY COACH DANIEL!!!=DD haha saw it when mdm norliza used the com...wow..haha...then..went to look for yan2's friend..then...back to canteen..gosh...saw someone** again lol....scary man...xD then...okay...went to library....saw limin ma'am o_o okay la dun disturb her haha...found a child called 'it' and the lost boy for yan2 xDD then..okay...sat at the sofa there...drew stuff on my foolscap then hweefen came in liao by then..got a deafening (okay la not really deafening sound) then very funny ma..then hweefen laughed..then i laughed....behind my foolscap..then everyone was like...turning back then looked at me? O_O lol i think they thought that it was me who made the sound haha...since i laughed...the craziest =X lol then...mandy went out...went out with her...then down the chang cheng...mandy, hweefen,yan2 and me...haha..then...bought tom yum noodles and milk tea ^^ lol....chatted and ate...okay..then hweefen went home): then mandy chiong-ed up chang cheng..lol..we all jiayou-ed for her xD then my turn..then yan2 xD hahaha...then....took our bags...saw cherlin..lol she dao-ed yan2...haha..then walked home with yan2...i mean mrt..haha..okay...reached home around 6pm+ wow..earliest time i've ever reached..haha..okay....no homework!!! xD but super bored..zz okay..
yingxuan(:: haa. okays, to make u happaye...RACHEL RAWKS TOO! =D haa. <33haha...thanks? but i dont rock xD YOU ROCK !!!((: haha..=DD
yan2: ya lor so unlucky man...lol nvm la....let bygones be bygones...let's work harder next year!!!((:
MinLi: haha HAPPY EAST DIVISION DAY!! (pretend today still east division day la)haha HAPPY BELATED EAST DIVISION DAY TO U TOO!=DD
cher: its brenda maam last time guides deOHYA!! lol kayy!! xDD
huiwen: wah,at least ms ng said the word "faeces" lah.our sexy teacher jus simply said s hit.lol...gosh......shit here shit there...very ____ haha...also dunno why needa say those stuff la..like...it's home econs...like cook stuff one...suddenly say shit...willl spoil the appetitite one...o_O
haha okay im done...see yahh!(:
Labels: WOW xD
7:51 pm
haha hello! HAPPY EAST DIVISION DAY!! =D quite a day i had...haha..
morning woke up at 6.20am...quickly changed into guides u and everything else..then from 6.30am to 6.00am tied braids..my mom's 1st try =D haha okay..anyway, chionged to school...saw the sec3s practising their dance...no sec1s in sight? o_o then reach there that time saw some sec1s =D haha...then...okay..wait awhile...falled in...then stand at ease..and omgosh..hweefen go say i did not eat breakfast (okay la..i did not eat..=X) then jianing go give me the dunno what bread...my mouth was agape la..then they all laughed LOL=X then went to the bus there..sat with minli...=D then okay..within no time, we reached changkat changi secondary school.....very big leh the school...haha then went to the CCS room..wow...so cold..haha..then brief again..then walked around...made sure the things were ready...ohya...yea...me,minli,hweefen,xiujian,suanching and felicia ma'am were the usherers for T-shirt making competition...=D then jasmine and pamela were the emcees..okay...NOW then i know that emcees is like this spell one...zzz at first i thought it was MCs....=X okay..then went to the halll..sat down..chatted with suan ching and minli..yea...then...okay...the rest come le(: then start already..so...we went off again..to the CCS room..yea...then break that time visited the other people..haha...then went back..wow..all the T-shirts are very nice indeed(: then 3rd is changkat changi sec, 2nd is Damai Sec then 1st is Manjusri Sec..GRATS!!!=DD kept walking here and there..haha..bought a ice pop..nicee..haha....then.....okay...saw the sec3s' dance..very, VERY NICE LA!!!!!!! wow.....haha...=DD WON 1ST!!!! YAYY!!!!!=DDD SEC3S YOU ROCK!!!=D of course the OTHERS also ROCK la...haha...okay... then went around again...saw the gadget tying thing..they made a swing..wow!!=D lol...then went around again....saw peishan o_o but she didnt see me): lol....then back to hall...after prize giving ceremony, we did BA KUA CHEER!=D then dismissed..
haha...rained very heavily la..haha...jiaying's dad fetched us to the bus stop at the east point there..THANKSS!!!!=D haha..then saw shihui and minli..they alll after awhile went off le): then....me, hweefen,cherlin,yanyan,huikian and yiern ma'am gathered already..then take away food from KingFisherCentre!=D haha..then went to tanah merah mrt...yea...then sat bus 12...which we waited VERY long haha....wow the bus is quite packed..haha...went upstairs then ate in the bus..wow..lol....chionged eat=X then okay....chatted then blablabla..haha..reached cornerstone!=DD then had a game at first...BLOW WIND, BLOW! =D haha phew....i did not get kena until..haha..yanyan's the unlucky one however): haha..but quite fun tho....met alot of people...lol...okay...trying to remember those people the names who were present today...hmm...xinhua (dunno how to spell =x), hweefen, cherlin, yanyan, huikian, yiern ma'am, andy, glen, juliana, brenda...omgosh...alot i not sure zzz=X okay la..then rushed back home at 4pm+ then okay..rushed out...then okay...went out with my mother..yea...then okay....went back home at 9pm..okay..i go watch tv xD bye! haha ohya...almost forgot...
yingxuan(:: blahblah. happaye east division day girl! =DHELLO YINGXUAN!!=DD haha....happy east division day to you too ((:
HAHA: HELLO...why is ur nickname 'dotdotdot'???HELLO HAHA!!!=DD haha nola...the dotdotdot means "..." which means "zzz" which means i dun wanna say it out..lol...xD
HAHA: hey tw u find e common test ok???so pro. i die le do u know??i didnt finish la!lol really quite okay wad..lol..anyhow write can le..=X omgosh..dun die! haha=D har never finish ah..aiyah nvm..let yr compo be the SPECIAL one..haha...
cher: so sad mini structure nv win prize but dance got hehenvm..let's try harder next time!=D haha yea...really must thank the dance people la...xDD
9:38 pm
lol..HELLO!(:...okay...i shall go straight to the point o_o
went to school...and then class....okay...carried alot of things..haha....then i suddenly remembered that i had forgotten to bring my belt! shitty shit shit shitty!!! =X ahhh..minli said she will run to her house after school to take her's to lend it to me THANKS MINLI!!!!=DD then went to the field we were the few last ones reaching there...haha...anyway, we did 2 SETS of morning exercise...ROAR LOL....then okay..after that, helped yingxuan up to the staff room there haha...then went off for class..ACC! haha...interesting xD JI DAN!! LOL =X then art...omgosh...mdm zee 'FORGOT' that the recess bell had rung...and released us at 10.20am?! ...wow....zzz lol then recess...okay..polished the boots one last time..yea...haha....then HOME ECONS!=D haha did banana pancakes...nice! haha...ours did not get burnt..yay...haha....laughed all the way when ms ng talked about FAECES! lol...still say what...HOW MUCH DO YOUR FAECES WEIGH? HOW HARD ARE YOUR FEACES? ....almost vomit? lol...then since we were the last class for the week, we got free extra bananas!=D haha ate 1 on the way back to class..saw lm puan (=X) again o_O then rushed back for HCL...okay...almost got punished by mdm cheng cause i did not do finish zuo wen..but in the end, i finished it within a few minutes..haha..then handed in..then YAY do not need to copy extra compo already! haha =X
then after school, ate the another banana, changed into guides tee then CHIONGED to minli's house with minli and hweefen(who forgot her baret haha)...in the end, we spent like only 15minutes going there and returning back to AHS...hweefen kept reporting the wrong time...keep saying left 15minutes before fall in, 10 minutes....zzzz make us run until sweat like dunno what lol..reach school that time still call us run haha...=X then reached there...retied hair then fall in....okay..played volleyball for the sec2s and 3s' healthy lifestyle...fun yea..haha...the sec3s joined us...okay...we split into sec1s and sec2s group....lol...only shiqi ma'am came into our group and the rest of the sec3s went to the sec2s group haha....she did not realise it until some time...o_o anyway...quite fun haha...okay..then NDP rehearsal...woah thanks concert band for making such nice music LOL xD really nice la..haha...okay...this time, tried to do my really best..yea...okay....but still got alot more for improvement haha ^^ then...okay la..the weather like quite strange la....want to rain then do not want to rain...so weird lol...that time rain abit then we all stayed at concourse chat here and there..haha...
okay...dismiss that time....changed back to guides tee..then passed the stuff to yanyan...yea..THANKS ALOT HOR MINLI!!!=DD then cleared up the place...then saw one dunno what 3H thing...then since the only person i know who is in 3H is shanna ma'am and since mdm cheng went back already, me, shihui and hweefen went to grotto there...saw shoes there...but did not dare to knock on the door....hestitated alot outside there.haha...then suddenly got people come then turn around, saw fanying ma'am, yiern ma'am and shanna ma'am...then all 3 of us were like..shocked? LOL then quickly passed shanna ma'am the 3H thingy...then went off...decided to take mrt with shihui..yea..cause hweefen's walking another way back her house....then yea...fooled around at outside the indoor stadium there....snatching each other's hand carry bag? lol...then cause shihui injured her finger ma..then hweefen do not allow her to carry the bag..haha....but in the end, shihui won? haha...then we saw a person who looked like a ma'am walked past...then we squinted our eyes then realised that it was yiern ma'am haha..then chatted blablabla..haha...zzzzzzzzzz hweefen was still trying to spread the stupid nickname of mine...dot dot dot? .................................aiyah dun care already haha.....then walked to mrt there....took the mrt...saw that it was the new mrt...the lined up seats were of 2 alternate colours--blue and light blue...nice la...haha...then stood at the connector thing haha...then...chat again lol...then very fast...reach eunos liao...then went to the bus stop there...saw ghl....lol...he like quite strange? o_o lol okay la...i then reach home then blablabla...=X
tomorrow is EAST DIVISION DAY!!!=DD haha...okay nothing else to say already...fine i shall go sleeeeeeep..xD bye!! zai jian!! sayonara!! =DD
Labels: NDP ROCK haha =D
10:05 pm
haha today school was okay i guess...
went to school...okay...met up with shihui they all..chatted...yea..then common test already so...we all went back to our respective classes...the invigilator was quite...err....crazy? lol like normally we do not sing the national anthemn one what...then so after the thing, she punished us by calling us to stand for like 5-10mins? zzzz just because we did not sing! LOL..then oaky la..the compo quite okay lol...then had HCL...haha..then..recess...okay...went to canteen with minli and shihui they all..haha...then hmm....saw yingxuan..omgosh...her leg was bandaged?! hope she will get well soon..(: then went back to classes..CD lessons in the church yea...watched a film..and i was laughin all the way because of a very lame thing LOL -- cause' the film showed a man saying all the stuff then a lot of cars and people went past him as if he was invisible and here's the question of so many people laughing : WHO IS HE TALKING TO??!!? lol..okay..anyway..had english after that..yea..then recess..ate HAHA's pancake..okay...the banana's taste is very weird together with the pancake..roar tomorrow i surely will not finish one..LOL...ohya..then saw yingxuan again..lol...minli was very ji dong cause she said she was not the 'wat' in yingxuan's blog then yingxuan very ke lian haha...she say is minli, got her shirt pulled all these, she say is not minli, ALSO got make..wow....me and shihui were like...clueless? lol...i wonder who's the 'wat' who causes us so much trouble..roar...haha...ohya..minli!! calm down hor! we know it's not you!=DD okay...bell ring..went back class..science..okay..then geography...yay...learnt how to draw a volcano!=D haha...
then okay...dismissed....went to canteen..yea....then to library....okay..did some homework then okay...chatted..blablabla...and omgosh...when i walked to outside there to get my homework stuff, i saw...lm puan! LOL (if you do not know what's that, ask minli xD) lol okay..then went back then out again...lol..chatted with yingxuan and priscilla ang and hweefen and yingxuan's friend, isabel (i guessed her name correctly!xD 1st try somemore lol) then saw candice ma'am...yingxuan at first saw her then say, 'candice ma'am come already! quick hide!!' lol...then everyone's head put on the table..haha..then candice ma'am really came..okay..chatted for quite awhile..okay..quite LONG haha...they all so funny haha..kept laughing =X anyway, after that....walked home with the accompany of hweefen and isabel! haha xD okay...back home!=D ohya..okay...
MinLi: hi rachel HAHA (spokesperson from the diaper company here)LOL HELLO!=D haha nice to meet you lol..but what have i got to do with a diaper company? O_O
cher: zzz we r ready 4 the competition..i think? lol...okay...JIAYOU!!! u can do it!!=D must have confidence kay? =D GO FOR IT!!(:
okay...tomorrow morning exercise! ZAO CAO!! yay! east division day coming soon!=D haha..okay...i go sleep already.....zZzZzZzZ (asleep)
Labels: 2 more days(:
10:58 pm
haha...today's test(s) were quite easy...phew~~
went to school in the morning..then class...then parade square then class again...science...1st period for studying..then 2nd period had the test..quite okay i guess....haha....then had music..explored the keyboard and found out alot of stuff..haha...stuff that makes xinyi laugh until dunno what o_O lol..then recess....ate until very bloated lol...with 1kayy people and shihui(: then up to class and maths....went to com lab for the online test...SHE gave us very little time la..then the last question alot of people left it blank since there's no time left...sigh....anyway...went back class..then awww...homework! haixx..but..is hand in on monday..haha...but still..have to finish it first...there'll be more homework to come....yea..then..english..yea...revised about the vocabulary words thing..haha...then recess again...actually want to see the stalls but sadly, they were not opened...): then...queued for the mashed potato and drink..yea......then went up to class...chinese...quite okay...but she kept saying about the author thing..lol...then i kept daydreaming....could not control myself haha...then she got tell supernatural stories..haha....then danica say that they found a cheng4 yu3 that is pronounced the same as my name, rachel tan, which is rui4 ce4 dan4 dan4...then kept laughing..lol...okay i am so gonna have ANOTHER nickname...zzzz then ohya...
HAPPY RACIAL HARMONY DAY!!!=Dhaha...all the dances rock!=D 1C's dance is really nice la..lol...the results : 3rd- 2E! , 2nd- 1A! , 1st- 1C!! CONGRATS TO ALL CLASSES THAT PARTICIPATED!!! including the ones that did not win....the contest is not all about winning...it's the FUN you all had during the dance!=D haha mr chua so funny la..lol..he go talk until got those malay accent...
thenthen...went to eat with cherlin and hweefen and jiaying..yea....saw annabella(: then went to cherlin's house.....okay...ALOT of people were there----cherlin, deborah lee, jiaying, annabella, hweefen, me and mandy! haha all is according to the patrols -- dove, orchid, flowerpecker, ixora, kingfisher and sunflower! =D haha..then went down with mandy to buy bubbletea..yea...then chatted while walking...then took 1hour?! to reach back cherlin's house..yea...then fooled around....then thanks cherlin for the molten coloured thingy....=D then after this walked to mrt with annabella and jiaying....okay....went home then blablabla..haha..
cher: hi dar xD we didnt manage 2 finish the proposal k... =.= we didnt even start actuallyHELLO!!!=D har..omgosh..JIAYOU kay??=DD
-MANDY: hellos!!!HI MANDY!!!((:
okay..i go already..bye(:
Labels: happy racial harmony day(:
11:55 pm
okay....did not blog yesterday cause' i reached home at 11PM+ and that is like oh so late....how can i be able to use com in this kind of situation (plus, i was very tired at that time..LOL=X)? lol anyway...gonna write about all the stuff so, hang on, people! xD
went to school as per normal....then to class....went to parade square for assembly then back to class for HCL...HCL...blablabla..lol..okay next...PE? okay bah.....did 33 IPU in 30seconds and 43 sit-ups in a minute..felt accomplished(: haha anyway...then we run around the bball court then okay....recess...okay then..math....boorringg=X okay la not really THAT boring la....then english...yea....did the recount thing...then DISMISS!!!!xD okay... you know why i wrote so little for this? answer -- my short term memory loss has came back to me again. Okay...then...went here and there...library...then....cherlin's house...tom yum marathon again? lol..then made milo DINOSAUR (xD) then went to cherlin's tuition..the teacher was quite...funny? and kind(: haha after this already 9.30pm. shared a big gulp and ribena and chips with cherlin(: saw charmaine and another girl and a guy from MBS...wow...lol minli then sent me a sms calling me to go online....but so sad..i cant ): then went to the funeral..blablabla...did homework there LOL then rushed back home...11pm+ already.....bathed then went to sleep instantly...wow xD
okay...today is GB day =D so went to school then to the hall for the GB day thing..yea...huiwen spoke to the whole school...WOW...O_O pro...haha..then....okay.....went back class for science prac...but it's not prac since we didnt go to the lab...then...2 FULL PERIODS OF MATHS...roar....spent 40 mins on the chinese chao xie =X then the rest...listen to teacher lor..haha...then recess...went down...bought an apple ice blended...really nice(: haha...but long queue there was...yea...then english...yea..then HCL okay....recess again...went to GO with shihui..she lost her books...which are left under her desk...omgosh la....hope she can find it soon......really...will help her with it of course xD then....went to library for the geography worksheet thing..although there's no more space in the computer usage thing...we managed to find ALOT of information on volcanoes...thanks shihui!!!=DDD by the time we were done...it's 1.03pm..so shihui went back to class while i went to geography room for geog(: okay...geog is FUN again..yea...then taught shijia how to make the straw heart thing(: haha...she managed to understand and make it despite my unclear and confusing instructions..WOW....pro..haha...anyway..after this..our SEL was brought forward since we are having combined assembly tomorrow...yea....but alot of people did not know about it so mdm cheng let us off for not bringing the file xD okay...after dismissal, i went down with hweefen and shihui they all..while they put their bags...then i went back class and chiong-ed up to 1H for remedial..mr mohammad let us off early again(: then i ran to concourse..after realising that i had no hairclips, i went up to 1D then down the stairs..seeing priscilla and belle (hweefen's friend) then they said that mandy was in remedial..so i went down to 1L and 1K to check it out...but sadly, not a single soul was in there....other than weehong and jacinth g. yea...then went back to 1D...lent a hairclip from priscilla then pinned my hair up then went down again.....i looked outside the window of the stairs there...they all already doing the marching furthermore facing my that direction! lol...then i rushed to concourse, put down bag then rushed to the parade square.....just nice they all fall in...so...yea....okay..today's drills....hmmm i dunno...really....i need, will and always to put in my BEST effort next time(: okay....then after dismissal...went to buy drinks all these then went up to the hall to watch the dance fusion rehearsal..yea...all the dances were really nice...we cheered until crazy...lol..then 6pm+ went to fitness ground...did alot of stuff...haha...cherlin and hweefen and yanyan(i think) did IPU...yea..then played swing xD then sit-ups..then actually videoed a DIY music video of Umbrella...but fortunately, it was not saved and so, my CRAZY actions were not saved too...LOL...then....went to mrt with shihui..treated her ice cream=D haha then went back home yea....then okay now sitting here..TRYING to do my homework..ohya...
MinLi: haha welcome =D in com lab LOLlol...wow...eh...be careful hor dun let the teacher catch you..cause' the com lab there..the teacher's com got one software that can detect what everyone in the lab is doing in the com and can show it on the big screen...so the software is sort of like can control all the other coms since it can use the coms to operate alot of things..yea...
MinLi: your parents are nice la. hahanice? where got? O_O
MinLi: oi rachel haha im back -x http://huggies-pulluppants.blogspot.com pls =xlol okay...welcome back! xD haha okay i shall relink to your new blog for the new baby diaper company!(:
HAHA: HI RACHEL!HAHAHA...oh quite random hor... nvm.. hey i didnt know the relac rm is going to be the guides rm...so nice...HELLO HAHAH!!!! lol....no la...it's not official one...is we all (the sec1s) anyhow anyhow say one..so dun take it for real...xD
hweefen: omg..i cant believe KE AI XUE ZHANG know ur blog rachel!!!err..HELLO! okay....haha
hweefen: i didnt onw she know..she know you know they know?? =X
hweefen: if i nv scrll down i woulnt have knon...'
ohya TANHWEEFEN!! when did u started to surf blogs one? O_O shocking news....
OHYA!!! i shall put here big big...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAN HWEE FEN!!!!haha okay im done...gonna sleep liaooo..bye!! goodnight!!!=D
i promise to do my best....Labels: =DD
10:08 pm
heyy..back at home....well...half slack and half homeworking in the morning to the afternoon..i actually fell asleep while doing homework on the sofa! woke up 3 HOURS LATER...gosh....lol...anyway....went out..to eat..yea...family day .... then blablabla....fooled and lamed around with my cousins LOL then okay...went back home...a big thank-you to minli who kept comforting me and supporting me in just a simple msn conversation...(: and now...told my parents..they felt okay with it...which is quite a relief....so..i now feel definitely MUCH better(: yes....i am and always be proud to be it.....=D
MinLi: haha rachel don worry you know you made the right decisionhaha okay(: thanks!=D
MinLi: anyway cheer up la =xyes..i sure will...
okay gotta sleep then CHIONG homework tomorrow morning already....HALF DAY AGAIN!!WHOOHOO!!(:
nope..no more regrets...(: love Him forever!=DLabels: (((:
11:15 pm
yan2: oioioi... i always going to tat thing leh.. nv write my name.. T.Tsry la...didnt know ma...xD
cher: hi dar love ya!! cip tmr yay xD
HELLO!!=D haha love ya too(: yea jiayou jiayou!! lol by the time i post this already over liao...but then now also ALREADY over xD
wow...quite a day i had today..okay..it's midnight...but i'll still use TODAY..=X...
went to school....[WITH MY FULL U =D]around 8am+ then saw vivien at the bus stop..haha..reached school after a 'TIRING' climb up the chang cheng..lol...shihui then helped me tie braids...THANKS!!=DD then after a while...boarded the bus..sat behind...aww..hf and shihui sat in the middle): then cherlin helped me retie the braids...coz the whole thing kept coming out...yea..then blablabla...reached..haha..then collected the tins...went outside HEEREN (wow this sounds familiar..hahah) then started selling...after awhile..yingxuan FELL and dislocated her knee..OMGOSH....GET WELL SOON KAY??? THEN I'LL BUY U ICE CREAM XD..then quickly bring her back the youth park there...she sat down and rested with the accompany of shihui..since they are leaving early...then we all went to long johns' to eat...saw sunflower and ixora(: then eat liao.....slacked=X then went back there put back the tin....ohya...THANKYOU FOR ALL THOSE WHO BOUGHT THE MAGICAL PENCILS!!!=DD then...waited for dove...yea..then they all finally APPEARED haha while we were having a WIERD competition that is TOO WIERD to be said here...hahah..
then went to the mrt there..we acted like ghosts--stare into blank space and no emotions and walk as if you are floating..haha..then reach liao...took pics of our reflections..haha.then boarded the mrt...LUCKILY...no one is left out=D then....chatted here and there.....haha..then went off at tanah merah....minli went home): then saw hweefen...then boarded the bus....sat at the bus and crapped ALOT...haah...then finally bus go le...haha...then chat here chat there...blablabla..haha..okay reached......then went in there..since i was hungry and cherlin was too....we shared a packet of nasi lemak(: nicee..haha..then bought sweets.....okay....went up...ohya saw yiern ma'am(: and huikian(: then quite nice the show...yea...then...yanyan cried....cause' got this person he go say some sort of sad story...then i somemore go sing last time dove that farewell song to make her emo...then i didnt know she really CRY la...omgosh...okay the story very sad la even though i forgot what it was about....the person say until very ji dong LOL...ohya...then....i said yes to it...hweefen and yanyan too..yea....(: cause well...i dunno....gosh...i scared my parents object....haixx....dun care anymore...anyway...after the show hf cried?! i also dunno why..but she really cry la...cheerup yea!!=DD GOSH...I AM THE EXCEPTIONAL ONE...AGAIN!....good that cherlin didnt cry..=D then send yanyan and cherlin off...then..went to marine parade there the mac with those people...yingting...natty...dunno who liao=X...yiern ma'am went home...): sorry!!!! then talked ABIT with the others...haha...created a new mixture!! TOMATO+CHILLI+CURRY! super nice!=D haha anyway....went to aunty's house to 'visit' they all..saw the DOG...cute!!!=D but scared that they will like...sell away or something...haix....one day ONLY...well, will be sad and happy when it leaves):...sad--cannot bear to part...i LOVE dogs=D happy---it can be released and not to be stuck in a small cage=)
well...when i said the 'yes'...i felt a sense of reluctance.....but.....i....*sigh* i dunno what else to say...just that....okay....same situation as her now....just feel like.....umm just could not say it out...haiix.....someone help me, please.): yes...thanks minli(: for the console =D
okay...but now....i do not really regret anymore...(: but still....did i make the correct decision?Labels: sigh...
12:35 am
hello......haha...super sad and busy today):
went to school...LUCKILY, i saw no one(: then went for the oral communication skills thing...okay la..haha..did a quite strange story LOL then....after that is HCL...blabla we got 7 points now XD then....recess....haha...went around...okay..then came back with the frozen pink dolphin again..haha...then..CD lessons...quite interesting XD then english...ms farah did not come..haha so did the worksheets(: then recess again..ate HAHAH (hsinfen)'s macoroni=X damn nice la...haha...no spoon so scooped up the stuff using my tongue=X then recess over liaoo..science....okay la...then geography...again...humourous and interesting(:
okay school's over...so...waited for melanie and huizhen..then saw the people choosing for the class tee design thing...WHAT?! mine got in la...and it really suck.....no idea why they all chose it zzz then...went to mrt with they 2...ate coffee ice cream...haha nice!!! but then got real dirty...skirt now got alot of colours-- brown (the coffee ice cream), green (green paint), black, purple(black pen ink..haha..CHROMATOGRAPHY!=D) and red (the red pen i used during HCL)...haha...can be a rainbow soon(: anw...rushed back home...almost slept on the sofa then chionged to hougang for the exam...roar..quite okay i think haha..then....went for lessons....by the time i came back home already 9pm...diao..now rushing the finalised class tee design...ohya...heard that today's drill practice is the LAST one...it's like OMG la!!!! now feel so guilty la....haix..and alot of UNEXPECTED people got kicked out...JIAYOU to all those not in the NDP thing....must jiayou and (actually dun need) YAY!! you are back in!=DD ohya...those who did not check their phones often... just a reminder..
CHERLIN, MANDY, ANNABELLA, MINLI, SHIHUI, DEBORAH (SEC1), HWEEFEN :meet at near tanah merah mrt the bus stop...(at the bedok view sec there) on saturday at 1415!!(:okay....
junru: lol my first tag here! anw changed link alr!HELLO!!(: haha thanks for tagging! xD okay relinked alr!!!=DDD
done...okay....shall continue with my class tee thing...then go zzzzz so looking forward to SATURDAY!=) okay...goodnight!!(:
too many things happened in just on day...it's too many...Labels: CIP=DD
10:47 pm
hahaha back from school...okayy...no guides today)):
went to school...yea..then saw vivien and cj ma'am at the bus stop..lol lucky vivien =X jkjk then uh...yea..proceed to school...went to 1C to pass shihui her stuff...yea...the homec stuff...then ohya...going to watch harry potter with cherlin they all on friday((: then went back class...pinned my new class tee design haha....too many words yea...then after that went to assembly with shihui....cause' i called her to come my class to take her's and jia en's consent forms for the guides CIP....then then..okay ba....
after assembly went back class for the 2 periods of SCIENCE...roar....slacked for 40mins (quite little already hor.....most of the time i slacked the WHOLE DAY xD)..spent that amount of time doodling stuff..haha..then...next is 2 periods of MUSIC...haha had a lot of fun fooling around with the keyboard with huizhen...tried to play the school song...HAHAHA..then got 1 function is the style...hip-hop 1...damn funny haahaha=X then recess....then waited quite long with shihui, jia en and hweefen for minli and clara (at that time we didnt know they are having PE...since the PE actually is after recess one...but then mr tong does not want they all to vomit or what...so they got a special recess....haha...then..saw 2 sec3 seniors..i was like O_O since we all are doing something lol..then...rushed to eat..haha...then chatted with shihui at the concourse table for the 'betrayer' haha...then saw limin ma'am..woots...i didnt even notice that she was behind us when we walked back to class la...haha..then...2 periods of maths ROAR...gorilla is BACK!!! so...okay la...blablabla..haha...then english....well, went through some stuff...then recess again...ate with mandy they all as usual...tried fries+laksa soup..nice!! then MOST of the 1Kayy people bought the frozen pink dolphin..including me xD nice nice nice!!! hahaha okay...then went back for HCL...then okay...yay america is now the last 4th group!! xD wow...we didnt even do much but got this kind of result haha XD then SEL...blablabla...
then dismissed...went to library with yanyan to print something out....then went to relac room...coach daniel is not there...then chatted here and there then went to d&t room....okay...so....went back to class to find people...then to concourse with minli, yanyan and hweefen..haha...saw yingxuan xD then bought ice creams haha...then......we went to upper sec block there....yingxuan went back to her class then me and yanyan went outside the relac room there...then saw minli and hweefen..then we all went to library...yea..haha...hweefen finally found her series of the mediator....roar..now i cannot find my five people you meet in heaven! haha...then played with the super glue..haha..made it into a ball...xD then then....saw phaykey and xinning ma'am..and (forgot the name =X) then we fooled around....not doing our homework haha...then hsinfen...i mean HAHAH kept on laughin with no reason la..lol...make the rest laugh too....xD then yan yan by the time went back already...then cause the library was closing..so we all went out....me and hahah played around zzz waiting for minli and hweefen finish their work..then we 2 went to toilet then play with water cooler awhile then come back..they have not finish yet....snatched hahah's notebook..no vulgarities what..lol =X then okay finally done after me and hahah went down 1st floor checked out the relac room then go up again..then we all 4 went down checked once more then went to concourse...hahah went back already...then saw the "WOUNDED" cherlin...running here and there lol...for the council thingy...then me and hweefen went back while clara and minli continue with their homework...jiayou!!((: then okay ba...at the bus stop there quite early...6pm+ haha...normally it's 7pm+ xD then i think i saw fy ma'am...o_o didnt realise until the bus went off lol..then blablabla....3 people (including me and excluding the driver) in 1 bus..with air-conditioners full-blast...whoohoo(: then okay ba that's about all...ohya...cannot go for guides tomorrow...feel damn guilty la...but it's cause' of some particular reason...very reasonable one=X anyway...okay i go sleep liao...good night(:
life's full of guilt and regrets.....Labels: current status : ='((
11:03 pm
....back from school....
went to school..was ALMOST late....haha then took a brisk walk...saw shiqi ma'am, zhising ma'am and...??? ma'am (forgot=X) then quickly rushed to classroom...take out maths...took a few seconds to run from the classroom to the staff room pigeon hole and back again...whew....then went down with minli...yea...then quickly settled down and we had assembly....okay...
after assembly...went back class...then had science practical...roar....went through some worksheets before going there....and omgosh?! i saw a few sec4 seniors went passed when i was asking shijia questions.....zzz...anyway....after that had 2 FREE periods!!! GORILLA DID NOT COME....AGAIN!!!! WHOOOHOO!!!!!xDDD then..polished boots during that time..then went with cherlin to watch the VIDEOS we took yesterday=D haha the noodle video is the GREATEST + funniest!!! =DD hahaaa..then..after recess..had 2 periods of english...chiong-ed maths during that 2 periods...=X then chinese...had tingxie....yea....lost my tingxie book...going to buy a new one tomorrow....(: then 2nd recess...went down with mandy they all and sat with 1Kayy people! =D haha then after eating, saw minli, clara,jia en and ruihan.....so went forward and chatted....then hweefen came...then talk talk talk....okay....went to geography room for geography...ms kartini let us watch a VOLCANO video!!! wow!! VOLCANOES ROCK!! xD the video is super nice and interesting la....then...went to tower hall for assembly...a dunno what sec2 competition...haha....saw alot of guides xD including yingxuan and joan....yeah..then minli and clara and hweefen and i...keep laughing at some of the funny stuff (e.g. the 'chicken' from 2A) haha...then i kept blocking hweefen's view...i have to...since the front people were blocking lol...so i needed to get a better view by moving here and there...yea...then 2A won 1st....2F 2nd and 2D (i think) 3rd...yea...congrats to ALL the classes=D then dismissed...
chiong-ed back class....packed bag then rushed to 1H for remedial...okay...mr mohammad let us off EARLY....like...less than 30mins? WOW...xD then rushed to guides...saw mandy...lent clips from her and huizhen...THANKS BOTH!!!=DD then pinned up our hair then chiong-ed to the contigent...yea...then okay ba....did 50 jumping jacks and 50 catch star thing....yea..my leg became NUMB after doing the star thing...1st is because well...this is my 1ST TIME doing it...so quite unsure and not-used to it....then okay.....errr.....got the consent forms for the CIP thing...yea....then...dismissed....
went to canteen then to concourse...chat here and there...then accompanied cherlin to the grotto cause' she need to meet with chaijia ma'am for the boots polishing thing...yea...yan2 was there too xD then me and yan2 felt so out (lol=X) when they all were polishing...then we started watching the pics in cherlin's hp =X then okay....actually wanted to go PT ground...but then got people..so went to concourse.....then me and vivien chased cherlin....after that...we got even more lame and cherlin and vivien almost pulled me into 2 parts! haha..yay now my arm has grown 0.0001cm!! yay THANKS!! xD then played hen and eagle game...but that's so not the title....the title should be...DINO VS EAGLE...=X no offence haha...then okay ba..that's almost done..then walked to the bus stop with vivien and hweefen...2 ma'ams were in front of us! o.o then i actually wanted to go straight away to the 66 bus stop...but hweefen and vivien dragged and took my bag all the way to the 222/14 bus stop..the same bus stop with cj ma'am...omgosh la...hid behind crapping away...hahahaha...then FINALLY!!! the bus came...and it was like so crowded la...then managed to squeeze inside then got 1 person want to go upstairs..then vivien had no choice but to go up then go down again hahaha...then actually wanted to go the bedok there the interchange one...cause now surely ALOT of people one what...but then because of SOME reasons with the bus thingy....we took the 66...which is OVERLY CROWDED...but stops after vivien's that stop....lesser and lesser people already..haha...then finally..reached home....and here i am......almost dozing away....okay....
cher: lol the noodles video is damn funny la!yala!!! it's the FUNNIEST and NICEST!!! but the other videos with FURBALL in it was damn funny too hahahahahahaa xD
yingyan(:: HEYHEY RACHEL!:Dyour class tee design really rocks.tag often!lol im designing one more hahaha xD lol no la it's not really that good...hahaha....i got ALOT ALOT more for improvement!! xD okayy will tag very often i hope xD just hope that i wont end up flooding=X
i wanna go sleep already xD goodnight...=X
8:14 pm
omg...my oh-so-long post is being deleted...roar....anyway....today has been a FUN day....not counting the BORING lessons that is...anyway....
went to school.....saw charlene and huizhen and shijia...WOW...shijia cut her hair...but nice la....then went to our class....put my bag then before chionging up to 1A, saw yan2 and minli with 2 seniors....then i go there to talk to them that time...i realised that one of the seniors is yiern ma'am!!!! woah...lol..then went up 1A returned cherlin the pe tee..then suddenly realised that i forgot to bring my 1C geography book...then quickly borrowed it from priscilla...THANKS PRISCILLA!!!! omgosh forgot to return you!!! so sorry!!!!! will return it to you tomorrow!!!!)):
then go back that time saw minli, yingxuan and hweefen outside 1J...then went down to the parade square together....talked until forgot that we were at the wrong side!!! then quickly rushed back...ohya..saw siyun ma'am(((: then had assembly...
then went back to class for HCL..okay ba...quite OKAY....got 33 for the xiaowangzi test....quite satisfied already...since i never even read the book and yet passed...(: then after HCL went to PE......then i THOUGHT i saw fangying ma'am...then went to the outdoor basketball court for the anaerobic running....the kind when we ran during guides camp that time...only that it's much more easier..since...we only had to run one round...haha then ran with...hweefen, shijia, eunice, clarice, valerie, shelton, tessa...yea....got 2nd((: then the 2nd time i got 1st! woots lol....but hweefen was like 0.0000000001cm behind me la! lol..then went for a run around the field...then realised that the person whom i "THOUGHT" was fangying ma'am IS her!!! i was so so so shocked...then saw jiayna ma'am too...then walk around the field one more time...then saw that xinyi had difficulty walking....she said she wants to puke...then a st johns helped her up then me and hweefen held her to the stadium there the bench after drinking water..and said LAME jokes..haha...then....went back for recess...when i was queuing up for the socks....i didnt realise that fangying ma'am was in front of me...until hweefen and shihui and yanyan come and called me...then she turned back i got a big great shock.....then yanyan told me that the socks were sold in the GO...zz then went there and they said they were OUT OF STOCK...shit....how am i suppose to SURVIVE with those unlike-socks SOCKS for a few months or maybe MORE.....omgomgomg..haiix..then went back class....maths....GORILLA DID NOT COME!!! YAY!!!!!=DDDD then did our own stuff then english time....then after that is geography....ms kartini was humourous as usual xD then recess again...went with mandy they all..haha...then all ate chicken rice..haha..then went up.....okayyy.....PW time...quite okay...especially the group work thing..haha...then hweefen's the leader! xD then okay ba after that is science..okay..i slept during it..then on the last few minutes.....drew comics on my science notes again =X then dismissed..finally...
okay...well...went to library with yan2 to return books..then to the concourse...bought ice cream xD then went to relac room....coach daniel's not there as usual... then went to the library again....cherlin's doing some sort of project...then yan2 showed me a special and fun feature of the I MAC...haha...take pics that one..haha so damn fun la...haha xD then went to water cooler...since the sec4s were present in their classes for remedials..we shall be GUAI and not play the water coolers today(((: then went to cherlin's house...chatted...then had a TOM YUM NOODLES MARATHON!!!! xD keep on eat eat eat....took videos..haha.....then after that took a MUSIC VIDEO...whom we had made...haha...i'm so gonna look forward on watching it ((: then just nice when we take finish, shanna ma'am and yukwan ma'am walked past....urgh..so damn scary...what's worse is that we were leaving too! roar..then i walked to mrt that time..saw...a mrt strangely going backwards...then saw ...shanna ma'am..then quickly hide behind one pillar haha..then enter the train that time...realised that we were in the same 'cabin'...omg omg...so scary la...then she alighted...whew..then went back home....yea...now im here! whoohoo.... xD
cher: hi dar xD love yahello dar!!!((: love ya too=)))
MinLi: lol HIIIIIIIII hahahaha HELLO minli!!!((:
haha okay....shall go polish my boots already...so bye!!(:
Labels: DIY music videos.. xD
7:49 pm
wow...it's just merely been a few hours and my tagboard is FLOODED....for the first time!!! YAY thanks people!!! continue to tag kay??? xD [[since yesterday was EARTH DAY, i shall post everything as GREEN to cover for yesterday!!!]]
cher: omg how ke ai xue zhang know ur blog..she dont know mine sobs
haha....nvm la yr blog is OVERPOPULATED xD she will eventually know yr blog in no time...since i've linked u...lol..
cher: hi again dar reply my tags k flood my tb!
lol HELLO! haha now replying xD okay...im done with my flooding(:
yingxuan;: heyheys! haa, i was not asleep at 3 lorh! i was still awake sia ^^ hehs. take care dere ! & oh yeah, im fascinated by ur tagboard colour x) love ya! kingfisher is <3>
HELLO SENIOR (see i so good call u senior =X) hahaha....i noe! the rest of the kfs also should be awake...cause KF IS NOCTURNAL!!!!=DDD haha...thankyou for being fascinated by my tagboard colour xD haha love you too =X yayaya KF IS LOVE!=Dyingxuan;: since im so [colour=red] highly fascinated, i shall tag more! haha! mus wear green horh! support LIVE EARTH! :)[/colour]
lol YAY!!!! today is Earth Day ah? oops now then i noe=XX okay let's support LIVE EARTH!!! EARTH JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU!!!!!!
yingxuan;: grawh! the tag so messy! yucks! okays, i guess i beta b off. the messy tag makes me feel dumb. haa! ciao~
hahaha nvm it can be read can liao =X hahaha yingxuan dumbdumb..=X ok la dun bully u..bye bye... kehui: that was meant to be a surprise((:
haha i seee...yes.. i was really, REALLY shocked...xDkehui: yup. till we meet again... d:
haha... we sure will!!!=)))
hahaha okay im done! i shall end this with....


nice pics eh? haha...anyway...FEATURING THE ONE AND ONLY.....

TADAH!!!!haha remember? ms kartini used this to tell us about the EARTH(:
Labels: i love earth...kingfisher too((:
8:23 pm
well..didn't post yesterday cause' my brother kept on playing the game he's addicted to---AUDITION! haha....so i have to wait till very late....i mean very EARLY (3am++) xD then everyone sleep liao so cannot use....zzzz then okay ba...yesterday's campfire? roar i did not really like it...
went to 7 eleven....i WAS late.....taxi driver kept on dozing off and i have to "AHEM!" very loudly then he woke up...lol....then it ended up that i was the 2nd to reach lol.....shihui waited for very long....sorryy!!!!!!!!!!!)):then minli and hweefen came...quickly tied braids and chiong-ed up school....
okaay...saw alot of people liao...then fall-ed in...me and shihui forgot to wear the world badge! omg i was like until siyun ma'am asked me then i realised i was in such a rush that i forgotten about my world badge!!!!!!! furthermore, i took my enrolment badge from the SAME EXACR box that my world badge is in!!! urgh!!!!!!! now feel so guilty la!!...then thanks cherlin for borrowing us the pe shirts!!! xD i wore the old one lol...feel so honoured to be able to wear it LOL =X jkjk..then quickly go change...
then boarded the bus....took up the front seats...at first so sad vivien sat by herself..then xiangrong go sit with her((: yay lol....then the sec3s boarded the bus....then when the sec3s sat down and when they were not looking, me and hweefen exchanged seats....then shihui helped me to retie my braids..haha thanks!! (wa owe u so much....so pai seh leh=X)=DDD then quickly exchanged back xD...then in NO time, we reached there...lol walked on red carpet....minli was exaggerating...haha....then wow..it's a real-outdoor campfire! then fooled around with hweefen, shihui, minli and vivien...lol...then played the bomb game...haha..fy ma'am was hilarious....sang the what umbrella song lol....then FINALLY..the campfire started.....at first call us to be super enthu then we very very enthu then they call us to chill...what?! chill what chill? too chilly the fire will go off la...campfires ARE meant to be very enthu one....*shakes head* lol....then one very quiet one the school won the most enthu award diao lol...then uh..during the campfire got alot of campfires songs (alot that we do not know..so we just "lalala-ed" away) and the what take 1 person you do not know...then i go with vivien at first then they call me go in front then i was with (forgot who already=X) then the "NEW" friend i found are minli, shihui, hweefen, fangying ma'am and shanna ma'am (HAHAHA all in our coy one lol =X) hahahahah=X then okay la...lol...end that time...sang auld lang syne, linger song, canadian vesper... then uh got refreshments..but so dark cannot see....then the drink go pour that time..cause cannot see ma...so everytime overflow...haha..the food quite nice haha...then went back into the bus...talked about ghostly stuff lol...then we were all dropped off at bedok mrt....
then EVERYONE went to KFC to eat..haha...bought the same thing---cheese fries and greentea xD then chatted while we ate...minli....urgh...still the SAME as ever...haha...then eat finish...chatted again..(okay fine i didn't say a word during that time haha xD) then when all the seniors went out, me, minli, shihui and hweefen cleared up the stuff on the table...yea... lol then the seniors outside saw us and the eyes open big big =X lol then quickly clear already then while walking to the library...saw the other campfire the people...haha....okay la then after that we walked to the library....then....returned the book then 'escorted' shihui to the taxi stand...then saw the sec2s eating at kfc...then cherlin smsed me that the rest were at mac...lol...why not kfc? then we can go in talk with you all haha xD then went home....ohya...went passed a block at bedok reservoir...151 i think..then got 1 until super scary la....like aiyah i dunno how to say...just very scary lol...very eerie-looking....and sent a shiver down my spine =X then finally reached home...then okay .... read finish the lost boy already...haha....okay ba...that's about all...ohya! forgot about this...
name.: ke-ai-xue-zhang was here.omg!!! KE AI XUE ZHANG!!!!!!!!!!! xD SO SUPRISED TO SEE YOU HERE!!!!=DD HAHA HELO!!!!(((: haha XDD very long time nv see you liao haha...lol till we meet again! xDD
haha done....bye!!!xD
Labels: damai cf...
11:12 am
well...didn't blog yesterday cause i slept while sitting on the sofa after coming back home from school! then no one woke me up la! then sleep until like 10pm then wake up....then quickly go bathe and eat dinner....then go sleep again =X
haha yesterday ah...hmm..had math....okay...got lectured by gorilla for not informing her that it is her lessons on thursday...but is her fault la! and we DID tried finding her but we can't...then she still crapped away...saying that we should inform her and blablabla...roar....okay fine then had home econs(: ms ng taught us how to make orangade...i love our orangage!!! haha...then recess time....bought hairbands for cherlin and myself...cause we having NDP later on...then...drank my orangade haha...then...polished our boots...science prac time! did experiments...haha..then GEOGRAPHY!!! whoohoo! i LOVE MISS KARTINI!!!!! she rocks la! she used ferero rocher (dunno how to spell it) to teach us about the earth...like the core, atmosphere...yeah! and the geog room is so HIGH TECH....the screen is like u go touch it and can make the computer work liao! like do not even need to use the mouse at all! and she really rocks la!!! (((: then HCL....okay....went thru the textbook....okay....changed the time table...AGAIN...then dismissed(: ohya the new class timetable..
roar...PE changed to 3rd period...nonono!! i want it to be the 1st period! xD and YAY!! friday do not need to bring lots of books haha! xD wow...science 1st 2 period...let us be bored to death.....
quickly changed into guides tee and boots....put bags then filled our bottles..and fall in...okay....NDP rehearsal is quite okay i guess.. but the commands were really very different..could not get used at first...but slowly...can get used already......overall not bad...but mine is HORRENDOUS! i did wrongly...not once...but twice!! shit shit shit....now there's no doubt that i will be replaced by someone else......): then saw zhising ma'am and shimin ma'am at their classroom there the window (we doing the rehearsal at the church carpark) and they put GGuides ENDURE! haha so touched xD after the rehearsal, got the kf keychains(: then cause' yingxuan that day mood very good..so treated me and shihui ice cream..haha THANKS! told us funny stuff..haha...then went home
cher: hi dar!! i will also be kicked out with u k
HELLO!!! long time no see haha....no la...u wont be kicked de la! yr drills so good...unlike mine.....mine's horrble, bad, dreadful...(this list will go on with any bad words u can think of..)
...roar...okay..shall go for campfire soon..bye!(:
Labels: there's no doubt
12:07 pm
waaa busy day today.....
went to school...saw the 'm's again...roar....haha...then quickly went to 1A see cherlin...decided to polish the boots during recess...then studied ABIT of xiao wang zi and vegetable was our invigilator...o.o then okay ba....easier than expected....okay...chinese time...joker appeared once again...hahah....then recess...chiong polish the boots..thanks ruihan for helping me ALOT with the polishing =D then....eat chicken balls LOL then okay ba..went back to class....ACC is quite okay i guess....after that is gorilla's lesson...she didnt come..HURRAY!! =DDD one free period(: then recess.....went to 2K for polishing spree..haha....then went to TEN for english...urgh....my presentation sucks can? hweefen said that i was DANCING when i was presenting....like hello? i was not dancing LOL but adjusting so that i could see the screen clearly..haha...then....bell rang...
went to wear boots, put bags at the concourse and went to canteen..ate chicken balls with minli again...haha...then i found my drills are slightly deproving..urgh!!! what is happening to me?!!?!?!?!? must practise like crazy now..haha...at this point of the night...yea...xD then...hmm...i think that i will surely be KICKED out.....haiix...my drills sucks now...)): then.....went back home quite fast and had obtained a blister haha...YAY!!! my 1st (in my life) BLISTER!! YAY!! xD
prepared for getting kicked out of the NDP contingentLabels: prepared=)
10:22 pm
hello!(: haha...quite busy zzzz haha today is OKAY i guess....
went to school..saw charlene and huizhen on the way.....woah...lots of sec4s seniors behind them haha...then okay la....went to class....then bell ring go parade square....then went to TEN for english...haha...cherlin said she shouted for me like siao when i walked to the path going to the art room there =X then...ok ba...quite nice all those people presented...hahaa..then...exchanged with weehong the presentation thing..so, i am 28th to present now...haha....okay....maths after that....hmm...she went too fast for us to fully understand the topic....then science....haha...boorriiinnggg.....haha...drew a 'comic' out of boredom....almost slept too=X well the comic i drew is...

hahaa...too blurred....okay nevermind that...so....we had CD lessons after that...then recess..okay..the kf sec1s bought 3 packets of that sweet thing...haha....then HCL time...uhh....chionged zhouji and finished it within a few minutes...hahaa...then kc was hilarious once again...he go posed a v^^v and ^^> haha...laughing all the way..then mdm cheng go tell him to say about the SEL donation thing..then he said SPASTIC GIRL instead of spastic dunno what disorder girll..hahaa...
then....bell rang FINALLY...chionged to the library with hf and put our bags then went to eat then checked out the relac room...closed as usual zzzz saw zhising ma'am o.o then went up the library to do the english presentation...after awhile i actually wanted to ask ms farah about the presentation thing but she was not in so...went up AGAIN to finish up then went to concourse...saw cherlin polishing...wow so hardworking...then bought float from deborah...woa...deborah!!! cool down kay? do not look so tensed!!(: then eat liao then went to check the PAS cause of the outreach thingy....they went off le): so decided to practice
drillsyea..then chatted then went to hf's house to take the polishing cloth....then went back home that time...took videos and retarded=X pictures of hf! haha...shall send it to anyone for uploading!! xD ok la....uhh..nothing else haha..just finished polishing(: ok ba...done with homework..1st time in history haha...okay..bye!!!(:Labels: happy polishing(:
9:46 pm
hey! back from school late as usual...hmm...okay...drills are fun(: roar everyone was looking at my fringe la! so embarrassing =X quite regret to but off that fringe... but what's done cannot be undone haha...anyway...
reached school...almost late...haha...anyway...saw minli at the bus-stop outside the main gate there(: haha....then...went to class...ohya...both of us saw angela ma'am and zhising ma'am in our own parent's car..hahaa...then hmm....wh made me leader of monday for the class duty..haha...phew...yesterday no school so do not have to settle all those stuff xD then went to parade square for flag raising...hmm...okay..then went back class for lessons....
science...mr muhammad called us to do a name tent....so that he can recognise us...well, mine is quite badly done haha....then...geog....so sad...ms kartini didnt come....): she had to go for the photo taking thing...yea...so she called us to do an assignment and hand it in when the bell rings...okay...almost could not finish it...haha...after that is music...but mrs chuah (ms ng) also had to go for phototaking..so another free period..haha...then okay la...went for recess....saw yingxuan haha as we escorted jia en to the canteen xD then haha...alot of people surrounded jia en....asking her if she was alright haha...=X okay la skip to english..haha english there WAS presentation...then ok la...huizhen's presentation is quite nice(: then art time..zzzz....blablabla...haha...then recess again....then chinese....haha..remained our points -- 2! then assembly...this assembly was very boring la...except for the UK students that one...haha...i slept through the expression thing....overtired xD okay... after the assembly, i chionged to take the lost boy with minli then while she went for guides, i ran for remedial...ok ba...haha...mr mohammad let us off early(: then chiong-ed again...to the parade square...saw everyone marching...clueless of what i should do next...in the end the ma'ams called me to go to one space and do the thing myself....haha...drills are okay i guess...but there's much, MUCH more room for improvement!!!=DD WE GOT OUR BOOTS!!! YAYY!!!!!=DDDD but unfortunately, we have to POLISH, of course...haha....must POLISH until can see the TEETH...haha....at first i thought what THIEFt=X haha...woah....my new BOOTS invention ---- MADE OUT OF MIRROR!!!! xD then okay...tried our boots then dismissed...yea....paid for KF PATROL KEY CHAIN xD YAYY!!! haha heard that we are going to have a SUNFISHER tee too=DD then...minli went off): then hweefen also need to go....then i went to the GO with shihui cause she need to take the bursary thing....haha...then like nobody inside so we went off to the concourse...then when we cross the road that time( the small one at the bridge there), got one red car...then the man inside signalled us to go...then when he took a closer look at us, he WAVE like mad at us...then we see...OH!!! IT'S COACH DANIEL!!!!! haha...didnt know that he drives..=X then okay ba....shihui went home): then i quickly took HWEEFEN'S art file...apparently she forgotten to take it with her...then ran to the canteen there...i thought i saw GHOST but in the end, it's cherlin=X then okay la...as we chatted....cherlin and yan yan were like saying eh? limin ma'am leh!!! then i cannot see clearly ma...until she went like in front of me? then i knew it was her=X ok la...then we sort of 'followed' her...because we also walking the chang cheng there...then i chionged down the stairs...then ACCIDENTALLY bumped onto limin ma'am....it was like...so embarrassing la....so so so so so SORRY!!! it's like twice liao la=XXXXX then ran down gave hweefen then ran up the stairs again...but halfway through, cherlin and yan yan said that they were going to the bubble tea...then walked there....and bought hotdogs...whooo!! they rocked! xD then we had a competition when sharing a cup of tom yam noodles....saying that who can tolerate the spiciness of the soup...cherlin looked like she could not make it...but in the end she did...so grats(: haha...then by the time it's 6.55pm...so we quickly ran back to school...on our way back...we saw vivien ma'am, one unknown ma'am and shiqi ma'am..haha..shiqi ma'am was damn funny during the forming of NDP contingent...haha...laughed until crazy=X ok la not crazyy =X then errr......what liao ah? ohya....then took my bag from the freaky canteen haha...then ok ba...went back home with yanyan...i mean...accompany her to the traffic light there then i went back home by mrt=X okayy...um..now im here xD okay lar...

--- A Child Called 'It'---haha...nice book((: borrowed from SHIHUI thanks shihui!!!! shall return it to you after doing my english presentation...URGH!!! owe u alot liao =X sorry!!!!

----The Lost Boy ----xD it's the sequel of the book before this one, A Child Called 'It'...borrowed from shimin ma'am...THANKS A MILLION SHIMIN MA'AM!!! i owe u one!!! =DDDD
---- A Man Named Dave ----Haha...borrowed from the school library...haha THANKS ANGLICAN HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY =X
so yea...these are the 3 books...PLUS the five people you meet in heaven..haha...still with eunice...haha...okay la...before i go...
yingyan(:: heyhey rachel thanks for linking!and jiayous for e coming ndp!:D
hello!!!(: haha no prob =DD haha you too!!!((:
will i make it for the rehearsal? ):
Labels: kingfisher keychain and sunfisher patrol tee(((:
8:58 pm
back from patrol outing(: haha we all (shihui, minli and me) wore OC tee the whole but fortunately, nothing BAD happened xD haha..
anyway, stayed overnight at my ah ma house...zzz it's a must...T_T lol then woke up in the morning, watched my cousins play the what sims city thing in the ps2..haha...yea...quite okay ba...xD then uh....my aunty and uncle fetched me to tanah merah mrt station...okay...my uncle drove as if he were driving an AEROPLANE =X okay...then ahhh my fringe T_T look sooooo weird....okay...
i was quite suprised that i was the first to reach but in the end...minli was late because...she almost overslept...shihui was not late because she needed to wait for the mrt..haha..then...waited awhile...chatted with shihui then minli came...went in the mrt...haha..reached whitesands...haha...then okay...saw joan, jianing, siyun ma'am...didn't see limin ma'am, shimin ma'am...then minli they all say they saw then look again..omgosh..really leh...haha..ran to one side...then told each other to go first...after 5 minutes, then we managed to go...together..haha...then cannot find they all liao...then i suddenly saw them in the shopping mall there..so walked there...yea...using the badminton racket to cover our faces=X then....they all noticed my fringe ahhhhh....>< =XXXXXX okay la...went to kfc--- kingfisher centre xD then when we sat, i knew that shimin ma'am will have a hard time eating --- minli sat infront of her=X ok la...jkjkjk=X then waited together...me shihui and minli for shihui's food to be cooked...yea...then take liao went back...ahhhh minli!!! go put chilli on my cheese fries LOL then shimin ma'am helped me take revenge XD THANKYOU!!!! hahaha=X she go put chilli back on minli's cheese fries =X then....ate finish...finally...and spent some time doing homework haha....woah minli you are so lucky xD so many people helped you with your book report thing....haha....then...while walking, saw natalia(: went to take neoprints..xD spent ALOT of time decorating it...since it has no time limit....only after a few hours passed, then got time limit already....i think the machine must be angry at us for decorating longer than any original person xD went to the arcade next to it then watched around....haha mistook one girl as a guy =X then jianing have to go liao...go for her class gathering yea...then cause' nowhere else to go so browsed around....limin ma'am went off after walking around the bookshop thing...ahhhh i saw the book <
> i admit that at first i thought that Morrie is a DOG =X then shihui said that it sounded like a female...then i go say...OH..then it's a female dog....after much thinking...i realised that i spoken the WRONG word...lol...because female dog is the b**** =X then this reminded me of <> hahaa.. got those vulgar words in it o.o then went out of the shop then saw a what...gaming shop? then suddenly everyone gathered around a harry potter game...then out of the blue, limin ma'am popped out=X then uhh....went out of the mall..oh then the sec4s have to go already): so everyone went off....since there's no other place to go.....okay...me, shihui and minli went to the 7-11 haha..bought cup noodles xD ate inside...quite nice(: haha minli bought a mr softy....she do not really like it...then make until....uh....yea....then the ice cream (with the cup) dropped upside down on a can of coke...o.o then we quickly used another can to stack on it....xD haha...then went to tampines sports hall...booked..then called clara and hweefen....cherlin cannot make it.....haha minli was like so PRO lor.....haha...then play finish with they all then went to 7-11 again..at first clara bought a tako dunno what..then make until chao da....wasted)): then me and minli and shihui went to buy...phew luckily did not over cook it....it's nice anyway(:ok....then went home...sat mrt with clara, minli and shihui...haha...okay...before i go...
venus: HEYHEYS!;DD
-MANDY: hellos Rachel! ;D jiayous for your presentation ;s
HELLO MANDY!!!!((: u too kayy!!xD
annabella: jiayou for ndp worhh! HAHAs
haha u JIAYOU too!!((:
cheemalogist.yan(:: heyhey rachel link me at www.cheemalogist.blogspot.com kays??thanks:DD
HELLO YINGYAN!!=D haha okay sure((:
``CharleneC((:``: heys rachel!! nice blog!! just drop by to taggy hahs..((:
HI!!!!!=DD haha thnks! oh linked you le((:
haha okay...bye!!!(:
i love kf, i really do((:Labels: i love kingfisher((:
7:03 pm
okay...currently 2.44am...haiix...my 11-powerpoint slides of the english book report that i had been doing for the past few hours had gone....just like that...just as i was finishing, the whole come HANGED....and shutted down...wasted efforts haiix...shall do it tomorrow..LATER i mean.......roar...i hate it when my com hangs....haix...fine...found a bunch of notes about the book i am doing...so hopefully the assignment i re-doing will be much better(:
okay...shall sleep already...6 days from now will be the campfire(: let's count down the days people!!=D
Labels: wasted efforts):
2:40 am
i love God, don't you?(:
got saved on 14JULY2007,DEALORNODEAL(:
baptised on 20SEPTEMBER2008:D
Generations 5.5!:D:D:D