the following post is gonna b a long 1....since i didnt post 4 a looooonng looooong time..... so put sum pics or else will b boring...all the xz's pics r requested by chunting
firstly, on last week sat, i went 2 ply roller blading wif my 2 cousins n my uncle @ east coast....n well, fell......ahhhhhhhhh.......n wrist gt minor put a small cast...nt really a cast...more lik a bandage.....n put it ther 4 3weeks....sianz...dunnno if my hand will b rotten by then -.-.....n hor....dunno y...but after this 'accident', it makes me more eager 2 roller blade again!!! i wanna ply's like if i dint gt injured, i wont b so eager 2 ply it again lor....the roller blade my aunty bought 4 me...nice!! red n blk/gray in cousin sis oso gt n grey i younger cousin, aloysius, already gt 1 which it blue n grey in colour...SO NICE!!! I WAN TT COLOUR!!!! n hor he so pro lor....skate so fast n wun fall down....ok..well, he did fall but he did it intentionally....lols.....coz he dunno wanna bang onto other ppl n mak dem kind
secondly, as u noe, chun ting gt a new hp n gt into shuang xi ling men.......grats 2 her....... lol i juz now sms her 2 fast's lik i sent her 3 she only sent me 1.....w/o the 1st 1 tt she tok 2 me is class monitor oso very strict....tchr nt in class, cant even tok.....he frm china is gao hai long ( ppl cor him sea dragon or ai ( short) long)...can u blieve it? he is 15 yrs gt another guy oso frm china, yun wei,shanghai, 14 yrs another guy, shelton, is a PR frm m'sia, same age as us....he is the class say those thing so funny.....n 1 gal frm, r u reading this? TAIWAN!!! T-A-I-W-A-N!!!! anyway, i 4gt wad her name was liao -.-......still gt other interesting pupils in our class la....juz say class is, let's move on...
thirdly, oso about chunting, kind of, GRATS 2 her!!!! as her bro dicovered her blog!!!! lol...
Extracted from chunting's blog exerpt from my sister's blog. apparently both of my sisters know about my blog already. and i still thought they didn't knew."Eh. Discovering of my brother's blog is scary. Can know his secrets. XP...Can't help it but secretly browse through his blog."WHAT THE HECK!HELLO CHUNTING AND JIEJIE! one day when u read this u know that i know that you know my blog, and i know about chunting's blog too!My God.Bloodly hell.
To my dear Brother:OH.So you discovered my blog. NVM. Go ahead & read it! Since you like to discover my blog so much.Evil thing. 
lol.....congrats...n if u r her bro reading my blog 4 no reason, pls get lost lor...nth concerning u xcept this blog...-.- n if u insist 2 read, read lor...lik nth 2 show u 1......-.-MSG TO HER BRO : HI!!!! =.=
fourthly, wa....our maths tchr crazy de...evrytime giv homework.....-.-promise us nt 2 giv hw after we kept quiet n follow instructions given.....-.-...n hor...her name is Mrs Goh...LOL MRS GOH!!! so diff frm the mbs mrs goh lor....mbs the mrs goh is much beter lor....well, the history tchr, sci tchr, eng tchr, chinese, eng lit....aiya...alot la....ALL VERY KIND DE....well, mrs goh oso kind la... all our tchr we can joke around,.. so gd....
fifthly, well, i gt 7-8 frens liao...!!! so happy....coz of grp work!!! YES YES YES!!!! strive more lor....mayb mak frens wif all the class (most alr)..... n hor i lik so many days no use com liao...coz my injury, my bro usin com, tired...most is tired...n hw!! so sian lor...nvm ^^ use com evry weekend can liao PLUS do finish all the hw....well, this has been a loooong post liao...mayb changin song...mayb nt...c gt wad other nice songs den i put....the blogskin, i nv gonna change liao...coz so many other skins gt prob de.....zzz 1st time put so mani pics ...well, c ya~~~~^^
saw the penguins n the man ( to chun ting : there is no way u can cover it now...) n the face( u will b bursting wif laughter lol)?? XDXD
Labels: new life in new sch, wrist fracture
9:36 pm
sianz....-.-lll nth to write eh....bye bye~~~~(diaoz)
Labels: nth
7:50 pm